stripey small flap kitties

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      Hmm, Twin is starting to give me ideas!!! If we get requests, then I want to sit and go through a list and narrow it down to what would be my favourite request!


        *SNERK!* It’s just I have highly intelligent, meticulous twinners and I’ve had to learn the hard way to “pick my battles”… Not that I’m a push over, I just don’t like contention in the house. My home is my sancuary – no grembling, grousing or groaning allowed! XD XD I think it’s time they had their own accounts so THEY can ask all they want without me being the intermediator 😈 :yes: :yes: :yes:

        twindragonsmum :yes:


          Melody wrote:

          Sway wrote:

          Oh Oh Oh! I hope she says YES! Like your boys, I too love the small flappers since the larger sculpts are sometimes too much for me. I have a small (very small) collection of small flaps and would love to add a pretty one like this one to the pride!

          Say Yes Melody… pweasewith Stevia on top!I’ll see if the casting dept has room to try casting a few. We won’t know if we can really make these guys or not. Some pieces cast well, others are hope less.

          nothing is hopeless! I am about to ask you to send me the trouble molds and gymsum and I’ll try here… it is so dry here at the moment… ya never know! lol πŸ˜› πŸ˜‰

          *lol like that would ever happen* but I wonder if a dryer enviroment might help???????


            Melody wrote:

            twindragonsmum wrote:

            Hi Melody πŸ˜€

            This is a question from me boyohs… They’d like to know if you will be producing any more of these flap kitties

            They’ve decided they can’t afford the larger sculpts (since they have to put half of all their earnings in the bank) so they’d like to try for some of the smaller sculpts and they LURVS flap kitties πŸ˜€ They think this one looks like a cross between their furbabies Pixel and Loki. And thank you so much for your help with Nathy’s suprise – I think she’s really ticlled pink over it and I couldn’t’ve done it without you! You’re a “fair dinkum cobber!” as my Aussie nieces would say! πŸ˜€

            twinragonsmum πŸ˜€ Is that cat signed? We have decided that we won’t do any more limited production pieces of the colors that are signed( ‘cept Poadβ„’s). But that only means no more cats exactly like that one. They could have more white on them , or have different colored wings or something…

            PURPLE WINGS….and PURPLE STONES!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

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