Ugh, finally. I’ve had this guy sitting on my desk for about 6 weeks now. Ridiculous. Sorry he took so long, starbreeze. The wolves are the easiest to paint; I probably only spent about 12 hours on him in all. It’s just getting the time to sit down in my room for hours at a stretch doesn’t happen very often.
Starbreeze commissioned him to be painted after a red-tailed hawk. I did my best; I hope the red accents suit your taste. (If not, I’ll obviously try to remove them or make you a new wolf.) You know I’m not great with earthy, natural colors. Plus, I kept looking at Nam’s wolves for refernce and there was no way I wanted to paint something completely natural-looking because it would never come close to the best ones out there.
I think he turned out pretty well in my style. You like?
He looks natural, yet you still managed to put in your usual bright colors. He’s a stunner!
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