Store to buy Dragons in NY, Orlando, LA, San Diego

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      Barrdwing wrote:

      Worse luck, there don’t seem to be any stores in San Diego that carry Windstones any more. We go down there yearly for Comic-Con and I’ve made a lot of phone calls to stores on the list. Struck out big time. There’ve been a lot of stores closing in the past ten to fifteen years, and others that changed hands and changed styles. I think even the smoke shop in the Parkway Plaza Mall in El Cajon closed, and they only had a few pieces. It’s a darned shame. There used to be lots of candle shops and little statue shops down there that had Windstones, and I miss them.

      😳 Eeeeeh…..yeah I cleaned out every store I could find that was still selling them around here last year, and it was lots of phone calls and slim pickings. All of the places I went to on that list that were still open or even selling Windstones were simply liquidating their stock. I got some good deals, but it was bittersweet since no new shops are opening or carrying Windstones here, it seems.

      There is a store in Temecula called Lady of the Lake which, last I checked, has some stock. Mostly candle sconces, but there were Emerald Peacock, Red Fire, Ruby dragons, and brown Griffins. It’s the only place I know of in San Diego county which still has any stock at all. I talked to the owner too, he plans to continue ordering stock. So I haven’t been there for a while, but depending on your itinerary maybe you can stop up in Temecula for a day.

      I think Melody could make a killing setting up a booth at Comic-Con though!!!!!

      Michelle, I have an Emperor, Scratcher, and Coiled that I want to sell. I reckon you’re back already but I have shipped to AUS before. 🙂

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