Store to buy Dragons in NY, Orlando, LA, San Diego

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    Hi guys

    I am travelling over to America next week and am hoping to expand my Windstone Dragon collection while there 😀 . I am from Perth, Australia and unfortunately no-one stocks them here anymore. I will be travelling to LA, San Diego, Orlando – Florida, New York, Niagra Falls, Las Vegas and am hoping that someone can give me some information on stores with a good range of windstone dragons. I currently have most of the Retired Peacock Dragons, and would love to buy then remander of them (though don’t like my chances considering they are retired). Otherwise I would be interested in the Emerald, Red or Black range.

    Thanks to anyone that can help me!!!


      Other than the black gold and possibly some straggling red fire i doubt you’ll find much of the colors you are looking for. I don’t live in any of those locations so i can’t say about the stores in those areas. I know around here windstones are hard to come buy. Only a few stores in my area have a few windstones (which are unfortunately the ones i don’t want 😛 ) Is there any way you can pick up items from forum members or have them shipped to somewhere you will be? There are quite a few people on here looking to sell some of their retired windstones. There are especially a good number of emerald dragons up for sale right now in the flea market. Good luck with your search. I hope you go enjoy your trip and go home with a few more pieces for your collection! 🙂


        Ooh, another Aussie! I thought I was the only one! One of your statements was interesting, that they don’t sell Winstones in Australia anymore. I didn’t know that they ever did sell them over here! Hmm, you learn new stuff every day!

        Enjoy your trip anyhow! And welcome to the forum!


        Are you staying with friends somewhere in the US? Because Emerald’s Emporium
        has some Black Gold dragons and even a Red Fire still available, so maybe you could have them shipped somwhere you’re staying? Or buy from a forum member and do the same thing?

        I did see some Windstones (including Red Fire) in Eureka, California back in August, but that’s a LONG drive from LA/San Diego. 😆


          I don’t know if they still sell Windstones, but according to the dealer page here are some dealers in the areas you will be traveling to. Some of the dealers may be selling the Maya Hill stuff rather than the fantasy stuff.

          BY CANDLE LIGHT…..LOS ANGELES…..CA…..90036…..323-549-0458
          CONTROVERSIAL BOOKSTORE…..SAN DIEGO…..CA…..92104…..619-296-1560
          LADY OF THE LAKE…..SAN DIEGO…..CA…..92104…..619-281-7231
          CHRIST CHURCH UNITY…..SAN DIEGO…..CA…..92105…..619-280-2501
          TREE OF LIFE…..SAN DIEGO…..CA…..92107…..619-223-3970
          ALEXANDRA INSTITUTE…..SAN DIEGO…..CA…..92110…..619-298-3422
          CHURCH OF TODAY – UNITY…..SAN DIEGO…..CA…..92126…..858-689-6500
          SPIRAL CIRCLE, INC…..ORLANDO…..FL…..32803…..407-894-9854
          HISTORIC FAMILIES…..ORLANDO…..FL…..32819…..407-872-7695
          BRONZE LADY OF ORLANDO…..ORLANDO…..FL…..32819…..407-354-1334
          HISTORIC FAMILIES…..ORLANDO…..FL…..32824…..407-872-7695
          CHRIST CHURCH UNITY…..ORLANDO…..FL…..32839…..407-852-3940
          PSYCHIC CASTLES…..LAS VEGAS…..NV…..89102…..702-222-9103
          MIST HARBOR…..LAS VEGAS…..NV…..89102…..702-227-3836
          WICCA WORLD…..LAS VEGAS…..NV…..89102…..702-876-0118
          TOP CATS BY MAIL…..LAS VEGAS…..NV…..89103…..702-732-4166
          BELL BOOK & CANDLE…..LAS VEGAS…..NV…..89104…..702-386-2950
          EVERYTHING BUT THE KITCHEN SINK…..LAS VEGAS…..NV…..89107…..702-870-4485
          GIFT CONNECTION…..LAS VEGAS…..NV…..89109…..702-732-9962
          LITTLE SHOP OF MAGIC…..LAS VEGAS…..NV…..89109…..702-307-6127
          INSPIRATIONS FROM CHRIST…..LAS VEGAS…..NV…..89118…..702-871-3241
          BEACON OF LIGHT BOOKSTORE…..LAS VEGAS…..NV…..89119…..702-739-8200


            I’m in Texas but I have an emerald sitting spectral dragon for sale 😀 *wink wink* and wouldn’t mind shipping him to you either somewhere in the states or to your home in Australia.


              I’m in Orlando, and I can tell you that there’s no one here anymore that sells WIndstones. 🙁 There was (as of early July) a store in the Daytona Beach (about 60-80 miles northeast, at the end of the interstate running through Orlando) fleamarket with a ruby emperor, think he was around $300-ish. They had some cats also. I also was in a store in Tampa in late July (southwest off the same interstate about the same distance) that had a gold emperor, lion sconce, think there were a few others I don’t remember.
              Other than that, if it’s going to be a road trip, maybe you can look on the dealer locator page and find some dealers that will be near your route?
              And yes, I second the seeing if anyone near where you will be is selling. I have several pre-loved Windstones for sale; I have a for sale ad in the flea market under “Various dragons and mouse wizards’. There may be others here at other points along your route. If you’ll be in any one place long enough or are visiting someone there, you can have pieces mailed to you there, or you can do like I’ve been doing finding pieces in teh local wantads like Craigslist and the newspapers. Good luck, and welcome to America! Hope you enjoy your stay!


                Well, in NYC proper, I’m not aware of any stores that sell windstones, at least in Manhattan (I know when I last looked, I didn’t find any, since I thought it would have been fun to pick up something when I was visiting a friend down in the City). However, let me dig around the listed dealers to see if any are nearby. I know of some in CT and in other parts of NYS though. Are you driving between all of these places while in the states or flying between all these cities? I’m north of Albany, NY, but work close to Albany. If you are driving from Niagara Falls to NYC, I can point you to some places on the way that shouldn’t be too far off the beaten path. 🙂

                Also, what pieces are you looking for in peacock? Perhaps members here on the forum can help. Anything in particular in the other colors you are looking for especially?

                Oh, another option if you are driving… if there was a website you wanted to order from and you were driving through, I wouldn’t mind being an intermediary if you wanted to get things shipped within the states and then meet up to deliver them, if there was a store that wanted to order from that didn’t order internationally. I’d love to meet up with you if you were coming through this way. 😀 I just found and shipped a lap dragon for a Canadian member of the forum and wouldn’t mind at all.


                  Hi Michelle,

                  You may very well fare better by checking here on the forum for any members in those locales that are interested in selling any pieces! Sounds like you are planning a GREAT visit to the U.S. – have fun!! Just last weekend my little community hosted a famous duo from your corner of the globe: Graham Russell & Russel Hitchcock – formed Air Supply in the 70’s while in Australia!

                  Good luck with your hunt! 🙂


                    pip? Doesn’t that store in Old Town still carry them? 😕


                      I’ll have to check again; don’t think they did, but there I called and it was quite awhile ago. I avoid the tourist area like the plague.


                        Don’t bother with Avalon in Orlando (Winter Park). Even when they had some, they were the stone pieces and not the coloured ones. And only a couple at that. Welcome to the US and enjoy your stay here! Safe travels to and from!

                        “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”


                          Off to work in a bit so might not get a chance to do much checking until this weekend- I remembered a store I forgot yesterday though. In the Volusia Mall (shopping center across from Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach) there is a Wicks and Sticks store that has stopped ordering Windstones, but has a few leftover pieces. I remember a male and female rainbow dragon, and I think there was a gargoyle but don’t remember which. I saw these in early July.
                          There is an emerald hatching emperor up on Craigslist at the moment- they were asking $65 for it. Don’t think it was mint. I didn’t contact the seller myself.


                          Worse luck, there don’t seem to be any stores in San Diego that carry Windstones any more. We go down there yearly for Comic-Con and I’ve made a lot of phone calls to stores on the list. Struck out big time. There’ve been a lot of stores closing in the past ten to fifteen years, and others that changed hands and changed styles. I think even the smoke shop in the Parkway Plaza Mall in El Cajon closed, and they only had a few pieces. It’s a darned shame. There used to be lots of candle shops and little statue shops down there that had Windstones, and I miss them. 🙁

                          It’s true; the best places to find retired Windstones any more seem to be either shops that have been around for a couple of decades and still have stock, or the Forum itself. I found a Rainbow Emperor up in Yreka three years ago, at a general store, of all places! And a Grimalkin turned up at an antique mall near Fairfield. There’s also eBay, but of course shipping could be a real pain in the neck.

                          Good luck to you! 🙂

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