When I access the store it says it has a problem with the security certificate.
“It has expired or is not yet valid”
I verified and it has expired as of yesterday April12.
I’ve already sent Melody and Chessie a message yesterday about it.
Yeah, I saw that too. But of course my computer nerd hubby entered the store anyway. LOL He told me it would be ok. (hey, he’s my expert) haha 😆 If I get a virus, well…. 👿 👿 👿
It’s all my fault that the security certificate expired. I got emails every day last week that were reminders that it was about to expire and I didn’t know what they were! 😕 :scratch: I thought they were junk mail and did not even open them! 🙄
Now I know! 😳 so that shouldn’t happen again 🙂
Thank you everyone who sent me emails about it. 😀
Totally understandable – I hate junk mail and I know I have deleted things I shouldn’t have! It’s better than opening the wrong thing and getting a virus!