Overall, the store is working fine. There have been a few glitches but overall, it works. If you have trouble placing an order, please try to contact us. You may call (800) 982-4464 or email me directly at service@windstoneeditions.com. We are usually here Monday through Friday from about 8:30 am to about 5:30 pm. If the problem occurs after business hours, email us or leave us a message and we’ll do the best we can to secure the item for you. If you are having trouble using Paypal to pay for your order, please try to order again, choosing the “money order” method of payment, then contact me to send you a Paypal invoice.
We really want to know about any problems, and emailing me directly at service@windstoneeditions.com is a sure way of reporting them, rather than posting to the forum (which I don’t always see). Thank you!