Status of Grab Bag Young Poads and PYO Hippocampus

Home Forums Windstone Editions Windstone Store Discussion Status of Grab Bag Young Poads and PYO Hippocampus

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      Not today! :p Please don’t swamp the website refreshing for them tomorrow, we are not sure if it will be tomorrow either. We still have Christmas shoppers trying to get orders in at the last minute – remember that our site gets cranky and slow for EVERYONE if too many people are refreshing all at once. Make sure you are signed up to receive store notifications and have pressed the notify button on the last Young Poad Grab bag page: Once you’ve done both of those things – you may refresh your email instead of our website!

      Also, Fuzzy Collectors, there won’t be any fuzzies with this grab bag because I did something stupid and hurt the end of my finger. Sewing is difficult with a bandaide. So no fuzzies this time.

      Be aware that if we do get these items into the store before Christmas, it is not likely that you will receive the orders for them before Christmas, even if you request to receive them before Christmas – we’ll be working as fast as we can – we’d love :love: everyone to have them before Christmas! however that is unlikely. We’ll be giving priority to processing orders for other items.


        Oh, Susie! I’m sorry you are hurt. 🙁

        Please don’t stress over Poads and us. There are much bigger priorities.

        Life is beautiful.


          Yes I agree, the Holidays can be stressful enough. Don’t stress over this. Youve taken the time to let us know. Thats enough!
          Heal fast!

          Looking for:


            Don’t worry Ms Susie!
            If I grab a Safari Young Poad she can take her sweet time getting to me after Christmas – less chance of getting lost in the multitude of mail! 🙂
            Besides, she’ll be my gift to me for the New Year, so I don’t need to wrap her for under the tree. 😀

            Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
            Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

            *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
            *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


            Hey, let us all know next time you get hurt. I bet you could have gotten a mountain of fuzzies from us “breeders” who have fluff and beads (and a little time) to spare :bigsmile: . Also, don’t get too frazzled about it all. Most of us remember that patience is a major virtue. 🙂 🙂 🙂

            It's not hoarding if it's books!
            Cat hair -- condiment and fashion accessory!


              I hope your finger mends soon Susie! Those injuries are such a bummer so I hope you feel better soon.


                Susie –

                Finger tip injuries always hurt so badly, and it seems you keep hitting them while trying to protect them so they can heal. As always you are putting everybody else first, please give yourself time to heal this time! Look at it this way – we all need you to be back in tip-top condition, so you are putting us first by taking care of yourself!

                I’m sure that all of us will be happy to get our new Poads or Hippocampi(?) (and maybe one day a Griffocampi?) whenever they manage to make it through the USPS or UPS system, this year or next.

                Hope everyone at Windstone has a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year!



                Thanks so much for letting us know where things are at, and I hope your poor finger heals fast!


                  Even tiny finger wounds hurt like crazy! I hope your finger is feeling better soon, Susie!

                  Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                  ANY Red Eyed Unis
                  ANY Test Paint Bat
                  The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                  Male- Snow Leopard TP
                  White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                  Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                  Mother: Okapi
                  Gothic - Mahogany
                  PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                  DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                    Heal well Susie! It’s amazing; you don’t realize how much you use one portion of your body til it’s injured, and finger injuries are the worst!

                    .*ºSearching for Spectrals and Rising Spectrals in all patterns and colors!º*.


                      Thanks for the update, Susie and I hope that your finger heals quickly. Don’t let yourself get stressed out before the holidays. We can wait for the poads. Anticipation heightens the Windstone experience


                        Hey, let us all know next time you get hurt. I bet you could have gotten a mountain of fuzzies from us “breeders” who have fluff and beads (and a little time) to spare :bigsmile: . Also, don’t get too frazzled about it all. Most of us remember that patience is a major virtue. 🙂 🙂 🙂

                        YES Definitely!
                        I have lots of Fuzzy Breeding material around and *some* spare time in the evenings while watching TV! 🙂

                        IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                        Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                        Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                        *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                        *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                          Nothing new will go into our store today.

                          Thank you for the well wishes! Its just a little tiny injury on my index finger and as has been noted – it hurts! Quite inconvenient. Thank you for the offers of Fuzzy Breeding. I think the Poads will be ready before the fuzzies are here, so that isn’t necessary right now however any time anyone wants to make fuzzies to share, I always welcome them! Feel free to fuzzy it up!

                          Melody observed that if you have a bandaide on a fingertip, its really hard to spell when you are typing! I’m finding that passwords are nearly impossible to type correctly! Anyone else ever notice that?


                            Thanks for the update.


                              Nothing new will go into our store today.

                              Thank you for the well wishes! Its just a little tiny injury on my index finger and as has been noted – it hurts! Quite inconvenient. Thank you for the offers of Fuzzy Breeding. I think the Poads will be ready before the fuzzies are here, so that isn’t necessary right now however any time anyone wants to make fuzzies to share, I always welcome them! Feel free to fuzzy it up!

                              Melody observed that if you have a bandaide on a fingertip, its really hard to spell when you are typing! I’m finding that passwords are nearly impossible to type correctly! Anyone else ever notice that?

                              Try some of the “nuskin” stuff that applies like nail polish but actually is a liquid bandage. I work on computers and use it whenever I get paper cuts on my fingers. It’s not as cumbersome as bandages when trying to type

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