State Quarters

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        I asked this before and several people answered me that they needed them so I’ll ask again since several more are now out. Does anyone that collects the state quarter need any “P”‘s. If you need the “P”‘s let me know what you need and I’ll send them to you.


          speaking of coins, have you seen the new Presidental dollar coins, darjeb? I just got two of them a day or two ago and I’m so excited about them! 😀


            WolfenMachine wrote:

            speaking of coins, have you seen the new Presidental dollar coins, darjeb? I just got two of them a day or two ago and I’m so excited about them! 😀

            What president??


              They’re going to do all of the presidents eventually. I’m not sure how many have been done so far… 🙂


                Yes I have I have Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison. Monroe is either just out or soon will be. There was a big stink about them to begin with because they didn’t have “In God We trust” on the back side but if you look very very closely it is on the edge in very tiny letters.


                I have all my state quarters but am waiting for circulation of the 2008 set to start. I never see them this early in the quarter of the year. I’ll run into one very soon though.

                I didnt know about the President thing, though. Err, another thing to hunt and collect. And I have NO clue as to why I like collecting coins and currency so much. No one else in my family or friend circle do. I dont know what I get out of it but for some reason, when I get a new coin Im looking for, it’s so fun and Im so pleased.

                Well, at least it’s harmless. 😀


                  It is fun finding the new ones. I get especially excited if I get one back in change from the vending machine at work.

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