Starting chemo next week

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      We FINALLY met with the oncologist today. They are talking about starting Danny’s chemo next thursday. I can’t remember the name of the drug they want to use (it was something long and I think it started with a p) but its iv and they said he will have to take it once every three weeks. Right now they are talking about four rounds so hopefully by the time the weather starts to turn around he will be done. They did a chest xray and it shows he still has a pneumothorax from surgery and his pulmonary function test shows that hes back in the toilet. His function now is what it was when he was getting evaluated for transplant. We hope that once this pneumo goes away and hes able to start pulmonary therapy that his function will increase but only time can tell. We are meeting with another oncologist next week just to get a second opinion. I didn’t ask what kind of survival numbers we are looking at since I don’t really want to know.



        ‘Bout time you got in to see an oncologist! *hugs to you and Danny*

        Don’t give up hope and know that we’re all here rooting you guys on!!!


          I hope things go well. Don’t look at the statistics. Take it one day at a time. You know you have our support. (hugs)


            *Hugs tight* I am here for you, too! You have my love and prayers. <3 <3 <3


              I’m SOOOO SORRY you have to go thru this good luck all the way around


                Hugs for all of you!!


                  Best of luck with the chemo


                  Close your eyes, I am giving you a big hug!


                    Big hugs from me as well–I’ll definitely be thinking of you and Dan next week. Here’s hoping all goes well and damn the statistics! We wish Dan restored health and a long life!


                      Not the kind of news I was hoping to see when I popped back into the forums 🙁

                      Best of luck to Danny, I’ll be keeping a good thought for him and for you. One of my family friends is going through chemo right now and against the odds he’s doing incredibly well, let’s hope you guys do the same!


                        Sending you a little bit of hope because at time it seams we all look for it, I just want it to be there for you. Also my deepest prayers, for your continued strength.



                          As always, sending you guys all the love in the world!!! I cry for you every time I think about how stupid and unfair this whole thing is….But stay strong, you have an awesome support system here, and we are all here for you!! Good luck with the chemo, and beat the crap out of this thing!!!!!!!!!


                            I am sure you are busy busy busy but I was just wondering how Danny was doing and if they started his chemo yet? Best of luck with everything that is going on in your world. Surely it is about time things turned around for the better for you.


                              I’m sitting in the oncology lab with Danny now. They are going to start his chemo today and we are waiting to see if his lab work comes back ok before they give him the drug. I brought the laptop so I would have something to do.

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