Start your Friday off right….

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      with a visit to the ER.

      My sister has been recovering from a bad flue or flue like cold, but she was doing a lot better, just still coughing.

      Last night though, I woke up with her in terrible pain, I have not seen her in that much pain consistantly like this. She was throwing up too. I stayed up with her until the pain went away, she was still throwing up. At this point we thought that it was another terrible flue or maybe some bad collard greens we had for dinner.

      I went to bed, and woke in early morning to her still throwing up. She had been throwing up all night, she could not drink any water with out it coming right back out again. I got her some crushed ice because she was so thirsty. She had other symptoms now too and she looked terrible. Mom had been away over night, so when she got home, she watched my sister while I went to the store. I am sick too, but not as bad, so I went down to get her some juice Popsicles and a coconut water drink for electrolytes. Things were getting worse, she had bloody bits in her throw up now. At one point her finger nails and lips went blue and she was mostly white all the time.

      After called a nurse we took her strait to the ER. It was early enough, they were able to get her a bed right away. She was terribly nausiated constantly and in pain. They gave her liquids and a medicine for nausia in the i.v. So mom and I spent the day mostly at the ER. My dad and a friend of my sisters was able to show up later. All her blood work came back ok, and the doc sent her home with some nausia meds and cramping meds but told us to keep an eye on her. He is worried that she may be coming down with appendicitis.

      We are home now, she drank pedialite, and now is curled up sleeping on the couch. She is still badly white. All we can do is wait and watch her. The doctor said if anything changes, gets worse, to let him know. I am hoping it is nothing serious. It is really nice that we have wonderful parents that let us still live at home.




          Koishi, it does sound like appendicitis, to me – and if her nails are turning white, well I am no nurse but I think she should be in the hospital — those are the identical symptoms my sister had, when her appendix was about to burst, and she had emergency surgery to remove it…… how odd they sent your sister home. I’ve never heard of ‘coming down with appendicitis’……also, the swine flu comes to mind…..I’m concerned. 🙁


          Yikes, poor thing! 🙁 Hope she recovers quickly, and it’s not something dangerous. 🙁


            Well, he said comming down because all her tests came back negative. The tests did not show, I suppose, that her appendix was at risk…so he siad it could be just starting to show symptoms but not enough for a confirmation through blood/urine test…
            and surgery would be bad if it was something else that is doing all this. So he just told us to keep watch over her and make sure she rests.


              Oh noes! Hang in there and hopefully your sister starts feeling better soon and it isn’t anything too serious. Been dealing with hospital excitement with my dad the last couple of days myself. *hugs*


                Oh no! what a terrible way to end an awesome trip… big hugs to her and to you.

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                  I’m worried for your sister as well. It all doesn’t sound too good with not being able to keep things down and the blood bits in the vomit along with the blue nails! I just hope nothing serious is going on and I wish she was in a hospital for them to keep an eye on her and act if an emergency comes up. Keep us posted and we all wish the best!


                    Flecks of blood in the vomit are probably just mucosa irritation from vomiting so much.

                    I hope she gets to feeling better soon and it’s not a surgical crisis, poor thing!


                      Thanks every one. I am sure she will appreciate hearing about all of the concern from every one here.


                        Poems wrote:


                        Koishi, it does sound like appendicitis, to me – and if her nails are turning white, well I am no nurse but I think she should be in the hospital — those are the identical symptoms my sister had, when her appendix was about to burst, and she had emergency surgery to remove it…… how odd they sent your sister home. I’ve never heard of ‘coming down with appendicitis’……also, the swine flu comes to mind…..I’m concerned. 🙁



                          omg… keep us posted Koishii… hope she recovers soon… major *hugs* from me!


                          Not food poisoning I hope!
                          My son was sick like that last month. They put him on an IV for fluids than sent him home with pedialyte anti nausea meds and gatorade. The nausea meds made him sleepy. After a good long nap, fluids and a good nights rest he was much improved. One more day and he was pretty muc his old self again. Praying your sisters recovery is as speedy. 🙂


                          Yikes! That’s just scary! I hope she’s doing better now!


                          Here is what I would suggest as differential diagnosis……(different things that could be wrong)

                          Stomach virus / Gastritis / Gastoenteritis
                          Kidney Stones / Urinary tract infection
                          Viral infection like Mononucleosis

                          If your sister continues to have symptoms, you need to see a family doctor and ask about admiting her for the intractable nausea and vomiting.

                          If she is pale, eyes look sunken in, skin tents when pinched, dry mouth and mucous membranes, decreased urination then she may need IV fluids.

                          Remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease, fuss, question and generally be loud and obnoxious and someone will admit her for further work up.

                          It is scary for families when they don’t get answers and in todays economy, hospitals try not to admit patients if they don’t have specific diagnosis or symptoms.

                          Disclaimer: I haven’t seen your sister, nor examined her, and I cannot give any real medical opinion because of this.

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