
start to finish…

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        I was wondering (prolly been asked… 😳 ) how long does it take to come up with and complete a new sculpt? Is there anything you haven’t completed because it’s just not behaving (turning out as you’d envisioned)? Thanks!

        twindragonsmum 😀



          I know the surface area of a sculpt greatly affects the time it takes.


            This has been asked before, but that’s okay! Melody may have some interesting new tidbit to tell us. 🙂

            Till she answers, here is something to tide us over:


            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
            My art: featherdust.com


              😳 thankies, Jennifer




              Of the top of my head, I’m guessing Melody will say something like a year or two. How long have we been waiting for the Garden Dragon? 😆 And how long did it take until we got to see the lovely mama griffin production? Perfection takes time!


                twindragonsmum wrote:

                I was wondering (prolly been asked… 😳 ) how long does it take to come up with and complete a new sculpt? Is there anything you haven’t completed because it’s just not behaving (turning out as you’d envisioned)? Thanks!

                twindragonsmum 😀
                I haven’t been able to get a dragon finished in less than a full year, sometimes longer, depending on how much time I can devote to it and how backed up the mold shop is. In the past two years things have not been getting worked on very fast at all because of a bottle neck in the mold dept, not enough people and too much work for them to do(their first priority is to keep the production molds and carriers in good shape, then comes working on new stuff) and I have been spending allot of my time painting instead of sculpting. sigh.
                The Secret Keeper took almost two years, but she was set aside for a long time while we worked on other things.

                I forgot to answer the second part of your question; YES I have abandoned LOTS of things. LOTS AND LOTS, maybe more than we’ve produced. Sometimes they get finished, or nearly finished and then we decide not to make them, because they would of been too hard to cast, or paint. But with direct lp sales we can afford to take more time with stuff. I am considering lots of things that I gave up on, such as the hatching llama, Moon dragon, vampire bat, garden dragon, Wizard’s house… many many things.
                Also now we’ve got the pyo line as a way to do ideas that were abandoned because they would of been too hard to paint, like maybe sorceresses, and hippocampusses, and castles.


                Heh, I was right. 😛

                We’ve been waiting for the Garden Dragon for at least a year now, Melody. Will we see her in production soon?


                  I don’t think Melody has been able to sculpt much in the past 8-12 months..!

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                  My art: featherdust.com


                  I know. I’m just being a nuisance. *toddles off to enjoy the Windstones she already has*


                    Greater Basilisk wrote:

                    I know. I’m just being a nuisance. *toddles off to enjoy the Windstones she already has*

                    Hehe- nothing wrong with that. I like the garden dragon too. Though do you want her as cement like the rock dragons, or finely airbrushed for indoors?

                    Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                    My art: featherdust.com


                      I’d love to see her done as both :squeak: :squeak: :squeak: 😀 !!


                        Greater Basilisk wrote:

                        Heh, I was right. 😛

                        We’ve been waiting for the Garden Dragon for at least a year now, Melody. Will we see her in production soon?Of course, if I am not working on something, it will never get done!
                        I am not working on ANYTHING now, so everything is on hold. I fantasize about getting to be a sculptor again after the move, but I bet we will be so busy with setting up and getting inventory painted that it may be a long time before I have that luxury again!

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