Star Wars in famous works of art

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    This one has to be my favorite ..God thy name is Boba Fett

    Leia The Riviter

    Last supper on the Death Star

    Salvador Dalis’ Soft Yoda

    Moaning Leia

    The judgment of Leia

    Absract-P O

    M.C. Eschers The Death Globe

    The Scoundrel


    I always enjoy it when someone takes a famous work of art and tweaks it wit modern components. Where’d you fidn these?


    stole em from Ebaums again 😛


      Those are cool:)


      Abstract PO is by Marcel Duchamp: it’s called “Nu descendant un escalier” (Nude going down the stairs). It was the first painting representing subsequent moves of one subject. This is why Pablo Picasso didn’t want him among the Cubists! 😆

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