
Stained glass

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    I wanna see the pics but photobucket is taking FOREVER to load them argh!


    enchantments wrote:

    really amazing! My husband wanted to get into stained glass ( I have a pile of pretty glass) but never has the time. I really love the griffin one wish I had the money 🙂 what about a smaller one say 12″ or smaller something that could be shipped?

    A smaller one would be do-able, but the detail would be lost. Shrinking down those neck feathers would be a royal pain in the butt, same with the actual knot pieces. A 12″ one might be shippable… but even then I’m wary of sending it. Once glass is in a piece of stained glass you’d think it would be stronger, but the whole thing is actually more brittle. A good quarter of the time I spent on these was repairing broken pieces in the finished product. *Anything* can break pieces. Too hot from the soldering iron, broken pieces. Too much torque on the egdes, broken pieces. *Breathing* on it wrong, broken pieces. I suppose I could ship one really carefully, but it would definitely be a ‘buyer beware’ type deal. I can pack it as well as I think I can. But sometimes not even that is enough to prevent breakage.


      Beautiful work. I have a friend who does stain glass, so I can appreciate the work you put into them. 😀


      FINALLY! the pictures will load, just took a restart of my Firefox lol I LOVE THE GRYPHONS!! 😀 Too bad about them not mailing well, my mum claims to still have her stained glass equipment but I haven’t yet figured out where that is in the basement! LOL


        I love them! The horse one in particular.

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          Those are really cool. I think I like the horse one just a tad more but they are both beautiful.


            Ok… lets try this again (computer made me repost *grrrr*)

            Those designs look awesome! The griffin reminds me of a cover of a book I want to do in stained glass! It’s a griffin holding a sword with a clock tolling the 13th hour (it’s art that looks like stained glass). A woman I know has a stained glass store just down the street from me. Someday I’ll have time to take a class from her *sigh*

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