Home Forums Miscellany Swaps SPRING GIFT SWAP – COMPLETE!

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      WOW..look at all of those cool gifts everyone is getting,…. 🙂

      I have had a few really busy weeks and I would just like to appologize to my swapee…. 😳 I have the box ready to go but it has not been shipped out yet, I am planning on shipping it out this weekend… 😳


      Crimson Vision

        If anyone has not already posted here or spoken to me privately & has not been able to send their packages out yet, please either PM me or email me at traci at crimsonvision.net



          Dragon Master wrote:

          Windstone Editions pins?? I’m not sure I know about those??

          It’s one of the items you can get in the Cafe Press store.


            According to my tracking, the package I sent arrived mid-week. I hope my swapee has received it without any problems!


              My goodies came today compliments of Drgnlvr, and I absolutely love them! 🙂 She gave me a candle warmer, a HUGE package of delicious smelling Yankee Candles, a candle holder, loads of yummy chocolate (I LOVE See’s candies! :yum:) a lovely gift card, and my favorite, a gorgeous handmade glass pendant from Italy!

              Thank you so much for the wonderful gifts, hon! 🙂


                :yum: :yum:

                Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                  I HATE this I wanna ask my swappee if the package got there today or not!!

                  Crimson Vision

                    Dragon Master wrote:

                    I HATE this I wanna ask my swappee if the package got there today or not!!

                    DM, did you put delivery confirmation on it? It’s one of the requirements of the swap; you should be able to check the USPS site for delivery. 🙂


                    I’m so glad you got them and you like them!! I hope they will help you feel better and stop being down on yourself. After all, losers don’t get presents, right? So I hope these things help cheer you up (especially the chocolates, those Irish Creams are made with real Irish Cream and can be very…compelling! Whoo! 😀 ) Good for you!! Take care. drgnlvr


                    I got a beautiful tiger print from my swapee, Jennifer Miller. Tigers are my very favorite of the big cats and this print is just lovely! As soon as I learn to post pictures, I will do that, unfortunately it will be a while. I have hired someone to teach me in the next few weeks so this will be the first one I post. So thank you Jennifer, for the great present! (and the little dragon you drew on the envelope is so cute! I cut it out and I’m saving it!)drgnlvr


                      Yes, it most definitely cheered me up. 🙂

                      And I’ve got to be careful not to eat all of the Irish Creams at once! 😈 😆

                      Thanks again drgnlvr! <3

                      drgnlvr wrote:

                      I’m so glad you got them and you like them!! I hope they will help you feel better and stop being down on yourself. After all, losers don’t get presents, right? So I hope these things help cheer you up (especially the chocolates, those Irish Creams are made with real Irish Cream and can be very…compelling! Whoo! 😀 ) Good for you!! Take care. drgnlvr


                      i was out of town all week long and i just came home late last night… to my surprise i see a HUGE box waiting for me. my swapee was machineguts. and oh… my…. goodness…. just check out the photo:

                      a very cool rustic looking bird cage (that had the incredibly ADORABLE handmade(?) fairy kitty plush) inside it.
                      a beautiful carved wooden box with soooo many chocolate (and vegan!! omg) goodies inside it
                      the Ocean Squall dragon pyo by koishiikitty.. wow!!!!!
                      a wooden dragon puzzle.. how cute!
                      one of MGutz’ own paintings!!! incredible!
                      …..and a very awesome handwritten note with the coolest dragon drawing!

                      all i can say is WOW, WOW, WOW!! i love absolutely EVERYTHING! you are too kind, MGutz. thank you so VERY much! i’m sure you were wondering why i hadn’t posted anything about it yet! so i do apologize for making you wait and worry!


                        Yay! I’m so glad you got your goodies, DD! I remember reading an earlier post where you said you’d be out of town until this weekend, so all day yesterday I was like did she get it yet did she get it yet? 😀

                        Yes the fairy kitty plushie is handmade, I got him from an artist on Etsy. 🙂 And I’m so glad you like Ocean Squall! I wanted to give you a Windstone dragon so bad, and I remember reading on your wish list that you were wanting dragons since you didn’t actually have one of those in your collection yet. I had already contacted Koishii to let her know he’d be going to you for that reason, and I wanted to assure her that I looove OS very much but wanted to pass him on to you since I wasn’t able to get one for you elsewhere. Isn’t he gorgeous!? Koishii is an amazing artist!

                        Funny thing about the vegan goodies, I was in the store with a huge load of Easter chocolates and candies. I was about finished shopping, then I realized hey wait none of this is vegan LOL! 😀 So I searched for some vegan yummies that looked really good. You’ll have to let me know how they are!


                        machineguts wrote:

                        You’ll have to let me know how they are!

                        I’m munching on the “oreo” cookies and oh my, I don’t know if this box will make it till tomorrow! absolutely delicious!


                          Yummy! :yum:

                          daydreamer wrote:

                          I’m munching on the “oreo” cookies and oh my, I don’t know if this box will make it till tomorrow! absolutely delicious!

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