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    Hehehehehehe…They are cute!

    Your dad sounds like my husband! If you get another pet, I am leaving! Hehehe, he never does πŸ™‚


      cute pic. Do Guinea Pigs have any social redempton expept as snake food?? I’m askign because I do not knwo I’m not trying to be cruel. I have always wondered abotu PG’s and hamsters


      Most definitely! They are so much more than a food item. Many, many folks collect, rear and love Guinea Pigs, Hamsters and Gerbils. We already know there are some members here who lovingly own rats which are stereotypically thought to only be here as a food item.


        PhoenixTears wrote:

        Most definitely! They are so much more than a food item. Many, many folks collect, rear and love Guinea Pigs, Hamsters and Gerbils. We already know there are some members here who lovingly own rats which are stereotypically thought to only be here as a food item.

        but what is the redemption value??


          I would say think Cat without the nasty attitude (usually anyway πŸ˜€ ) and easier to keep out of things, put ’em in their cages!! with out all those nasty claw marks on your face, and a personal feeling that it’s slightly less cruel. But that just my 2Cents


            so love for their owners is all they offer?


              That’s usually enough isn’t it?

              Ohh and originally Guinea Pigs were domesticated as a food source, not for reptiles but for Humans!! 😈


              Sorry, but an animals love is enough redemption value for me.


              PhoenixTears wrote:

              Sorry, but an animals love is enough redemption value for me.

              That’s what I figure πŸ™‚ But to answer DM’s question, there are many people who seriously breed Guinea pigs for shows, and those who sell their stock to 4-H and FFA projects so kids can show them. There are lots of different breeds with different fur types, and if you can get a litter with a really good coat by breed deffinition they can be worth quite a bit to collectors and other breeders.

              Me, though… I just love them because they are small, sweet, and make cute noises. And are way too easy to pamper πŸ˜†


                I want a Guinea Pig myself but I’m way too picky, I want specifics on coat colour & Type. do you know how hard it is to find a plain old short and smooth? no rosettes or anything? And then where I’d like it to also be a little on the softer side, more like a “Plush”, it’s almost impossible. Though i did find a little Calico there today that almost fit my Coat specifications, he was in a litter of rosette’s though and since they’re still babies the coat could still end up with a bit of wave. I could possibly deal but I’m not particularly fond of the Calico’s, and this one’s patterning was a little blah for me, so still no GP for me. Used to be it was hard to get a “Fancy” guinea Pig and my coat type was everywhere, and to get a plain solid or agouti with or without white was the same but now?? Nooooo everything has to be “fancy”

                umm yeah sorry for my GP rant, I should have gotten myself a couple and been breeding ’em since I was little, then maybe there’d be some of these “Plain” and normal GP’s!! I need to get me w wild one…


                Wow… around here it’s nearly impossible to find anything but smooth coated short-hairs!


                  Ok so instead of a PYO swap we have a GP swap? 😯 😈 😈 😈


                    Lupin wrote:

                    Ok so instead of a PYO swap we have a GP swap? 😯 😈 😈 😈

                    what is a GP swap?
                    I know some people feel the same way about cats and I LOVE all 4 of mine so I guess animal love in animal love


                      That pic is great! πŸ˜† I think there are only 2 pigs left in the store.


                      Dragon Master wrote:

                      cute pic. Do Guinea Pigs have any social redempton expept as snake food?? I’m askign because I do not knwo I’m not trying to be cruel. I have always wondered abotu PG’s and hamsters

                      I have an answer, even though I don’t own guinea pigs.

                      I have two hedgehogs. They are similar in size to a guinea pig. however, they are a creature that is 40 million years old. They were alive when dinosaurs roamed the earth. A simple insectivore. They are not supposed to be smart. They are supposed to be a primitive insectivore.

                      My two hedgehogs are potty trained. They play with toys. They eat from dishes. They know my scent. They don’t bite, in fact after a bath they will actually snuggle up on my arm and go to sleep with complete trust. They are more like dogs than some primitive mammal.

                      So the redemption value is that, even though I own some prehistoric creature, it can recognize me and share a bond with me. It is also capable of learning and playing.

                      I am sure guinea pigs are similar. So just as much as you would get from a cat or dog. Sometimes you will be rewarded with a like bond, from an animal that humans label as stupid. They are not stupid after all, just different. And unless you own that type pet, you wouldn’t know. My sugar gliders are the same….very smart little marsupials! (O, Marsupials are supposed to be stupid too, compared to regular mammals. but my sugar gliders learned to open their cage and get out.)

                      Hope this helps! Hope I didn’t sound sarcastic…I didn’t want to sound that way. If I did, it wasn’t my intention. I just get so shocked that people think some of these creatures are stupid, or mindless..and in reality, I was very suprised that primitive animals are actually very smart!

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