Spirit Animal Test

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    Yup, another quilled rodent. Certainly makes me feel noble. πŸ™„



      It’s says my spirit anminal is an elk. Not what I would have figured.


        I am also an otter. I thought otters were rare as spirit animals!! πŸ˜‰

        This is cool – thanks for posting this! I’ve always been curious about my spirit animal…though an online test probably isn’t the best way to figure it out! ^_^ Has anyone on here known their spirit animal before taking the test? Did the results match up?

        "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
        -J R R Tolkien


        I’m a bat. πŸ™‚


          woot! i got the wolf with 99% nobility. i did have a totem lady tell me my totem animal was the wolf too, but she also said strong confusing influences of hawk and crow, hmm. i’d love to meet with someone who really knew their stuff in regards to that to get the real scoop….


          Ok, I am part Cherokee and don’t agree with the results πŸ˜› It tells me mine is a deer, but I know for sure mine is a Raven πŸ˜€
          Here is some info on how to know your spirit animal:
          Here are some questions to ask yourself if you’re wondering what your animal totem is:


          Have you ever felt drawn to one animal or another without being able to explain why? This could be animal, including birds and insects.

          Does a certain kind of animal consistently appear in your life? This doesn’t necessarily have to be a physical appearance, it could be represented in other ways such as receiving card and letters with the same animal pictured over and over, unexplainable dreams of a particular animal, watching television and seeing the same animal featured time and time again, or, actually having the animal show up.

          When you go to the zoo, a park, wildlife area, or forest, what are you most interested in seeing?

          Are there any animals that you find to be extremely frightening or intriguing?

          Is there a particular animal that you see frequently when you’re out in nature?

          Have you ever been bitten or attacked by an animal?

          Have you ever had a recurring dream about a certain animal, or a dream from childhood that you have never been able to forget?

          Are you drawn to figurines or paintings of a specific animal?

          The totem itself is a symbol that represents this animal. This could be any number of items – a crest, a totem pole, an emblem, a small figurine or anything else that depicts your animal guide.

          I got the info from here:
          There is more about spirit animals or totems πŸ™‚

          Here is another site with more information:
          Though each tribe had different beliefs about animal spirits.

          Hope this helps πŸ™‚

          I was told mine by a Cherokee chief years after I was sure mine was the Raven. He just confirmed it πŸ™‚


          I got the wolf as well…
          Your spirit animal is the wolf. It is a ferocious companion, and a loyal friend. It is both a respectable and noble creature; to have this spirit animal says good things about you, and that you are starting to figure things out. Wolves are pretty rare spirit animals.
          … with yet another of the higher than 99% nobility, ranking 12 of 18.

          Yes, the wolf is actually one of my spirit animals and I know the others. It was just my state of mind at the time in answering the quiz that the wolf came through. It’s all good and I love these kinds of tests, tho some are definitely out there and wronger than all get out. I’ll accept this one only cause it was right about me and my having a wolf as one of my spirit animals guides.


          I’m an otter!


          That’s neat. According to Raven’s list, I suppose my spirit animal is an eagle. According to the online quiz, my animal is a wolf.
          I can live with that. πŸ˜€


            dragonmedley wrote:

            Mine’s a bat… I dunno about this πŸ˜•

            But the test was cool!Im a bat, too. 9/18? At least I scored higher than 99% on nobility….but then how can I be 9/18? Bah… a bat. Tbbbt!~


            Mine is a… mouse? πŸ˜† I am thinking that is about as non-noble as you can go. But I do like mice a lot… and I am sort of a loser so it fits… so please, no one let their spirit critters eat or step on mah mousie πŸ˜†


            Megani-chan wrote:

            Mine is a… mouse? πŸ˜† I am thinking that is about as non-noble as you can go. But I do like mice a lot… and I am sort of a loser so it fits… so please, no one let their spirit critters eat or step on mah mousie πŸ˜†

            Aw, Megani-chan, you’re not a loser. Nuh-uh. And Mouse is a survivor–it’s a tough little dude. Although it is nice to identify with something flashier. I can commiserate a bit: I’m Chinese Year of the Rat, while my sisters are Tiger and Dragon. That always bugged me. Then I was told by a Korean roommate that some of my habits (i.e. hanging onto expired pasta) were very Rat-like! She made a compliment of it, but I still blushed. In retrospect it wasn’t all bad: I saved money on groceries. πŸ˜› 😳 πŸ˜‰


              I’m 1/8th Cherokee and I have a couple totem animals, but the quiz was fun anyhow. Thanks Rvn for the links, my mother’s side of the family doesn’t have alot to do with me, and so I don’t get to learn much about that part of my heritage. I’m always interested in more info! My dad’s side is Scottish so I suppose I’m an odd mix… πŸ™‚


              Barrdwing wrote:

              Megani-chan wrote:

              Mine is a… mouse? πŸ˜† I am thinking that is about as non-noble as you can go. But I do like mice a lot… and I am sort of a loser so it fits… so please, no one let their spirit critters eat or step on mah mousie πŸ˜†

              Aw, Megani-chan, you’re not a loser. Nuh-uh. And Mouse is a survivor–it’s a tough little dude. Although it is nice to identify with something flashier. I can commiserate a bit: I’m Chinese Year of the Rat, while my sisters are Tiger and Dragon. That always bugged me. Then I was told by a Korean roommate that some of my habits (i.e. hanging onto expired pasta) were very Rat-like! She made a compliment of it, but I still blushed. In retrospect it wasn’t all bad: I saved money on groceries. πŸ˜› 😳 πŸ˜‰

              And mice are related to squirrels so Mouse is a good one! πŸ™‚


              mimitrek wrote:

              Barrdwing wrote:

              Megani-chan wrote:

              Mine is a… mouse? πŸ˜† I am thinking that is about as non-noble as you can go. But I do like mice a lot… and I am sort of a loser so it fits… so please, no one let their spirit critters eat or step on mah mousie πŸ˜†

              Aw, Megani-chan, you’re not a loser. Nuh-uh. And Mouse is a survivor–it’s a tough little dude. Although it is nice to identify with something flashier. I can commiserate a bit: I’m Chinese Year of the Rat, while my sisters are Tiger and Dragon. That always bugged me. Then I was told by a Korean roommate that some of my habits (i.e. hanging onto expired pasta) were very Rat-like! She made a compliment of it, but I still blushed. In retrospect it wasn’t all bad: I saved money on groceries. πŸ˜› 😳 πŸ˜‰

              And mice are related to squirrels so Mouse is a good one! πŸ™‚

              This is true πŸ˜†

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