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        Hiya Melody-
        as I was drooling over the awesomeness of the Old Warrior in purple in the Windstone store, I was wondering if there were plans to do either the rising spectral or sitting spectral in Amethyst anytime soon or if that was a project on the back burner. The spectrals are my favorite sculpt and of course purple is my favorite color, so my curiosity has peaked when these guys will “hatch”.

        Also, is there any chance of squeek* ing for some ebay or limited production spectrals in other colors?


          I second the Rising Spectral ( squeek* squeek* ), but I am guessing that they would be introduced after Christmas at the earliest. I believe Melody said somewhere that they now are concentrating on producing stock of existing pieces to sell over the Holiday season.


            WolfenMachine wrote:

            Hiya Melody-
            as I was drooling over the awesomeness of the Old Warrior in purple in the Windstone store, I was wondering if there were plans to do either the rising spectral or sitting spectral in Amethyst anytime soon or if that was a project on the back burner. The spectrals are my favorite sculpt and of course purple is my favorite color, so my curiosity has peaked when these guys will “hatch”.

            Also, is there any chance of squeek* ing for some ebay or limited production spectrals in other colors? They are on the middle burner. The Spectrals aren’t being cast right now, which means that we will probably need to cast all new molds to make them again. It may be awhile before we produce the Spectral brothers again. When the molds shrink after sitting around -causing all sorts of problems


              I love to see the Spectrals in the Amethyst (and Rainbow), but it’s cool with me that they are not being cast right now. I need time to save up for them if and when they become a reality 😳 .

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