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  • #797843

    WindstoneCollector wrote:

    Lolz! I just read Dragon87’s! I’m dying over here! XD
    Dragon, you poor thing…Snap’s having fun at your expense. 😉

    I’ve been fragmented mind since …. well I don’t remember. Something about 100% fragmenting my computer….. 😳

    The Special fragmented mind makes it even better! I can laugh at myself! XD XD


    Dragon87 wrote:

    WindstoneCollector wrote:

    Lolz! I just read Dragon87’s! I’m dying over here! XD
    Dragon, you poor thing…Snap’s having fun at your expense. 😉

    I’ve been fragmented mind since …. well I don’t remember. Something about 100% fragmenting my computer….. 😳

    The Special fragmented mind makes it even better! I can laugh at myself! XD XD
    I know how that goes…For a long time I wondered where Bodine kept getting ICW…Before I realized that it was still like that! I guess I never noticed yours before. 😮 *not always the brightest bulb in the chandelier* 😳


      I’m not an insane person,I just play one 😈 XD

      Every act matters.No matter how small💞
      (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
      Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


      I’m specially extraordinaire, which is something of a truism.


      XD Tru Dat! XD
      I admit to licking windows when no one else but Scott is looking…but only because I know he will laugh. 😀 😈 😀


          Hey Snap, do you take special requests? Instead of Chatty Windstonian can I be the Crazy Storm Chaser? 😀

          Hey it never hurts to ask, right? 😆


          Adraenyse wrote:

          Just for you WSC.

          Thanks Snap! That was good. 😆


            machineguts wrote:

            Hey Snap, do you take special requests? Instead of Chatty Windstonian can I be the Crazy Storm Chaser? 😀

            Hey it never hurts to ask, right? 😆

            Titles are completely random. It wouldn’t be any fun if you could request them!


              I knooow. 😀

              Adraenyse wrote:

              machineguts wrote:

              Hey Snap, do you take special requests? Instead of Chatty Windstonian can I be the Crazy Storm Chaser? 😀

              Hey it never hurts to ask, right? 😆

              Titles are completely random. It wouldn’t be any fun if you could request them!


                I see we’re not ‘Special’ anymore–is Snap giving out titles now???


                  No, I asked him for one but he wouldn’t go for it. 😀 Oh well, thought I’d ask anyway!

                  LadyFirebird wrote:

                  I see we’re not ‘Special’ anymore–is Snap giving out titles now???


                    Now I’m revoking them BUHWHAHAAHAH… 😈


                      Adraenyse wrote:

                      Now I’m revoking them BUHWHAHAAHAH… 😈

                      🙁 It was goood to be King 🙁

                      Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                      (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                      Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.

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