Spdy's Art

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  • #519127

      I like the first one with the blue rose…I’d love to know the story behind that one…assuming of course there is a story…..and of course I love the hammers…hammers seem to be very popular in your part of Texas… 😆 😆 😆


      Hey.. how is everyone.. its been a while since i have been on here.. thanks for the compliments on my work 🙂 I really appreciate it.. umm.. lets see.. the story one the blue rose.. well its of my aunt.. she passed away when she was 8 months old.. so i never met her.. the original picture was of her in a car seat. It was a mothers/fathers day gift to my grandparents.. i just thought the rose would be a much more beautiful setting.. They loved it of coarse and cried quite a bit..


        spdygonzalez2001 wrote:

        Hey.. how is everyone.. its been a while since i have been on here.. thanks for the compliments on my work 🙂 I really appreciate it.. umm.. lets see.. the story one the blue rose.. well its of my aunt.. she passed away when she was 8 months old.. so i never met her.. the original picture was of her in a car seat. It was a mothers/fathers day gift to my grandparents.. i just thought the rose would be a much more beautiful setting.. They loved it of coarse and cried quite a bit..

        That is very sweet!


        Doing good. You? That is a sweet story and it was nice of you to do that.


        spdygonzalez2001 wrote:

        Here are some examples of my artwork, Frozen has been bugging me to post.

        tell me what you think

        There’s some good work there, you’ve got obvious talent. I really like the Escher- esq.Hammers.

      Viewing 5 posts - 16 through 20 (of 20 total)
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