Sorta Still Around

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    I was also wondering where you were Water, and how you have been. I am still doing my part for the trade/commision. Just let me know when you have pics of mine. I hope you feel better soon.


    Hey guys and thanks for all your support yet again. At least I get a community feeling from people on-line where I might not get them from people in RL. Also, Skigod I do still have you down for the large PYO dragon so that’s still locked in, no worries…couts towards of my my commissions.

    Also, when I do finish up the new male Oriental repaint and emperor, I’ll show them in a link to my own forum, but not on the Windstone one. I still have about 3 more outstanding commissions left to fnish that are too overdue but after that I’ll get started on the repaints.

    As for alternate medicine, I’ve been wanting to try it where the expense isn’t too great. I have only looked into it minorly but that will probably change soon. But I do feel 100% better now that my monthly is over…it’s just such a horrible bad time of the month for me and it gets worse every month it seems…this was one of the longest and worst ones yet and to have a female gyno say they can offer me nothing and just take a Tylonal…well, I don’t plan to re-see that doctor again! As far as blood clot stuff goes…as far as I know my chest scans were negative but they still have be on blood thinners and my doctor told me to come in next week because he didn’t schedule to see me yesterday avdn though he said he would to discuss going off the blood thinners! It was outraging and a waste of my time and money yet again. It’s like they just don’t want to give me what I need to hear but keep drawing it out like a movie where it just feel like it’ll never end.


      Big hugs to you Water!!! We’re all here rooting for you and sending love! Hang in there! *big warm fuzzies!*


      Thanks…hopefully things will get better and not worse, but yesterday I got news that a pap test I just had came back abnormal, though negative for HPV or whatever. I still need to look into TAHT new information.


      Oh no. We don’t want anymore problems. I am hoping it is a fake positive.


      hopefully it is nothing. sending warm fuzzies


      Sorry to hear things just get worse for you too. : Here’s hoping it is just a false positive. Take care of yourself!!


        Watergazer wrote:

        Thanks…hopefully things will get better and not worse, but yesterday I got news that a pap test I just had came back abnormal, though negative for HPV or whatever. I still need to look into TAHT new information.

        Good grief! I hope it turns out to be nothing. I get bad paps all the time and colposcopys and leeps are no fun 🙁

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