Sorry (almost) Everyone.

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      No worries Ski… *passes out warm chocolate chip cookies*





        But whatever it was, I think it’s grand of you to come forth and apologize.


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          lamortefille wrote:

          Whether an apology is necessary or not, it takes a big person to step up and do it. *hugs Ski*


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          Snapdragon wrote:

          Bad girl, go to my room.

          **Insert head shaking smiley here**

          πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

          Leave it to Snap…But it’s good to have him back. πŸ˜‰

          Ski, I didn’t really read the dog stuff, so I have nothing to say about it. I think you’re a mighty big soul to step up and say “Sorry”.
          I dunno if it matters, but I’m still here for you. πŸ˜€ **Hugs**


            I’m not sure you have anything to apologize for either, but I think it’s awesome of you to post like this. We all have our off days. πŸ˜‰


              Snapdragon wrote:

              Bad girl, go to my room.

              Doesn’t it get kinda crowded in there??? πŸ˜›


                WindstoneCollector wrote:

                **Insert head shaking smiley here**

                *hands WSC a tag with the #2 on it*


                  starbreeze wrote:

                  Snapdragon wrote:

                  Bad girl, go to my room.

                  Doesn’t it get kinda crowded in there??? πŸ˜›

                  *hands star a tag with #3 on it*


                  Snapdragon wrote:

                  starbreeze wrote:

                  Snapdragon wrote:

                  Bad girl, go to my room.

                  Doesn’t it get kinda crowded in there??? πŸ˜›

                  *hands star a tag with #3 on it*



                  SPark wrote:

                  Necron99 wrote:

                  in my opinion you have nothing to be sorry for 😈

                  I’m with Necron.

                  I’m very sorry that you’ve lost a friend over this, but IMHO if somebody decides they don’t like you just because you snapped once, they weren’t much of a friend in the first place.

                  Sometimes emotions get away with you. Doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. (If it did, I’d be Satan himself, you know what kind of short fuse I have! πŸ˜€ )

                  I am with SPark and Necron as well, you have nothing to be sorry for IMO.


                    πŸ˜† So i’m number 4?

                    Thank you guys. I love it here and just didnt want to be known for being a hostile bully is all. Not saying some stuff was not correct, or even that I believe any of what excuses were given, only that it was not my place or necessary to call her out. It was just my previous dealings with her that made me so sensitive to this current sutuation and made me hit ‘send’ before thinking it thru. Thank you guys.


                      skigod377 wrote:

                      πŸ˜† So i’m number 4?

                      Thank you guys. I love it here and just didnt want to be known for being a hostile bully is all. Not saying some stuff was not correct, or even that I believe any of what excuses were given, only that it was not my place or necessary to call her out. It was just my previous dealings with her that made me so sensitive to this current sutuation and made me hit ‘send’ before thinking it thru. Thank you guys.

                      No, pay attention, you were #1. You’re always #1 to me Ski. *cue sap music* Not a day goes by in the lives of Windstonians that I could not picture you, the Royal Chatter of all thereof Forums, placed at the head of the line, the cream of the crop, the champion, prize-winning, high-grade, top-quality, foremost, world-class, unexcelled, unexceeded, unsurpassable… SKIGOD.


                        Snapdragon wrote:

                        skigod377 wrote:

                        πŸ˜† So i’m number 4?

                        Thank you guys. I love it here and just didnt want to be known for being a hostile bully is all. Not saying some stuff was not correct, or even that I believe any of what excuses were given, only that it was not my place or necessary to call her out. It was just my previous dealings with her that made me so sensitive to this current sutuation and made me hit ‘send’ before thinking it thru. Thank you guys.

                        No, pay attention, you were #1. You’re always #1 to me Ski. *cue sap music* Not a day goes by in the lives of Windstonians that I could not picture you, the Royal Chatter of all thereof Forums, placed at the head of the line, the cream of the crop, the champion, prize-winning, high-grade, top-quality, foremost, world-class, unexcelled, unexceeded, unsurpassable… SKIGOD.Awwwww… *crawls in bed* I always was a sucker for romance.


                          Snapdragon wrote:

                          Bad girl, go to my room.

                          πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

                          you did have some very valid points, and everyone gets fired up sometime. no worries. πŸ™‚


                            Your a bigger person then I am Ski because I will not apologize for a word I said. If I was going to be sorry about it I wouldn’t have said it in the first place. But no matter what you say Ski I still love you πŸ™‚

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