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- This topic has 85 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 17 years, 6 months ago by Pegasi1978.
August 19, 2007 at 5:27 am #608834
Thank you everyone for your continued support and prayers. I can confidently update you now that Phoenix Tears is awake now and her vital signs remain where doctors are expecting, given her health. She wanted me to let you all know that she’s very touched by your kindness- though she was a bit embarassed that I came here and said all I did. But I explained I did it because I knew she was in the middle of transactions with some people and I didn’t want them to think she just up and left. As usual, she understands why I did what I did even if I didn’t use my clearest judgment. To say something she always does, “my heart was in the right place.”
Doctors say if she remains steady, or, hopefully improves even further throughout Sunday, they will release her Sunday night, if not Monday morning. Seeing as she’ll be on strict bed rest (to that Anthony and I will make sure), I’m sure she’ll be back on here to see you all again. I do know she wants to get enough rest so that she can be at her best for her mom’s upcoming birthday next Sunday. As would be normal, she refuses to miss it and no one blames her.
Thanks again everyone.
NicoleAugust 19, 2007 at 2:25 pm #608835Thank you Nicole, again! And really, if you hadn’t posted and PhoenixTears didn’t post at all these past few days, we would’ve been panicky amongst ourselves, so I’m really glad you jumped in. PT managed to touch a lot of hearts very quickly. Keep her safe and enjoy the birthday party!
August 19, 2007 at 2:27 pm #608836I hope she’s able to enjoy the birthday party. Thanks for keping us posted, Nicole.
August 19, 2007 at 2:33 pm #608837We hope to hear from her soon! I know she wants to go to that party, esp to give her mom her special present! I really hope she manages.
August 19, 2007 at 2:55 pm #608838So glad to hear she is awake and doing better. 🙂 Come back soon PT!
August 19, 2007 at 4:21 pm #608839Thanks for the updates Nicole – we all appreciate it. It was great of you to take the time!
PT – hope you are feeling better and make it to your Mom’s birthday party. I’m sure her muse will have a place of honor there!
August 20, 2007 at 5:26 am #608840It’s me! Im back and hanging in there! Thank you all so much for your kind words, thoughts and prayers. Little embarrassed that Nicole had accidently started a small comotion, but I know her heart was in the right place. Plus, we always had this deal that should and when things happen to me, she takes over all my accounts and correspondence. She had told me, “youre on this site so much that if you stopped posting for any length of time, the friends that you made there would probably notice and be concerned. So I thought I would post something that said you were out of commission for a while. I didnt mean to embarass you or overly concern anyone on the site“.
How could ya not love her or hold it against her?! 😛 And though emoticons mean well, they cant help to express through a message board or even in my mere words (no matter how much I ramble), truly just how much everyone’s positive energy, concern & thoughts mean to me. I am forever grateful to be in with a bunch of ppl with such open hearts, so willing to give of themselves- especially when all of you have your own hectic & chaotic lives to lead. If you know me at all from here, you must remember how much stock I put in energy that is either directly or unconsciously released into the universe, among other things. While I have a supportive team of family and friends, it is exceptionally touching for me to have you all as my extended loved ones. I dont believe you have to meet someone in person to care about them and take them into your heart. For those that Ive met online and made it past my own trust issues, my heart had embraced them and Id do as much for them, that I would for friends and family I see face to face. Thank you for being there for Nicole and being receptive and welcoming of her as she posted here. And again, I thank you so much for all the positivity all of you put forth, be it with full on intense purpose or in passing thought; they both mean a lot to me.
And nothing will keep me from my mom’s birthday. It’s cliché but given my past few years, I really have learned to live in the moment and live it like any day could be my last. For all of us, that day will come eventually. It just hits me between the eyes because I have been set on this sort of time table because of my health. Not that I let it get me down, nor do I ever want pity. However, given the circumstances, I may very well not make it to August 26, 2008 (mom’s BDay NEXT year). So, nothing could keep me from celebrating with her this year. I gave her a huge blow out of a mother’s day; the same will go for her birthday and the holidays as well. She doesnt like her birthdays and isnt much of a holiday buff (unless the joy in others is genuine), but again, if fate turns out that it’s my last special days of the year with her, I want them to be extra special memories. She already has the muse because I couldnt hold it in and gave it to her on my own birthday. She sits proudly on the baker’s rack, knowing that she is even more regal than the Swarvorski’s she is surrounded by! But the larger actual surprise gift (thanks again to Dragonessjade for making it all possible!!!), will be the Large Bird Winged Siamese Flapper. Weve always had Siameses in the family and being that a couple months ago, one of her’s had passed on after 18+ yrs of wonderful life, mom takes it very hard and mourns for extended periods. The Siamese Windstone, especially being a Chocolate point like our Puddin cat was, will make her cry, yes- but will give her much joy in the future as well. Im very much looking forward to presenting it to her.
Now, off to edit the title of this thread so that any further concerns can be avoided! Thanks again my Windstonian family; I love you guys! <3
August 20, 2007 at 6:45 am #608841You have a very warm heart may it beat longer than you realize. Thanks for coming back. You had us all worried.
I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
Engaged to a WeaselAugust 20, 2007 at 7:25 am #608842Soooo glad you are back!
August 20, 2007 at 10:56 am #608843Glad to have you back! 🙂
August 20, 2007 at 12:47 pm #608844Hey there! It’s good to see you again and know you’re doing alright! 😀
August 20, 2007 at 12:54 pm #608845Glad to have you back and know you’re ok!!! 😀 😀 😀
August 20, 2007 at 1:22 pm #608846Yay! I’m so happy to see you up and posting again!^^ *hugs*
August 20, 2007 at 1:56 pm #608847Great to have you back! 😀
August 20, 2007 at 2:17 pm #608848Welcome back and so glad you’re safe. I agree with the earlier sentiment,
Quote:BiPolarBear Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 12:45 am Post subject:
You have a very warm heart may it beat longer than you realize. Thanks for coming back. You had us all worried.
may your heart beat much longer & stronger than predicted! Hugs to Nicole, she was a true friend when we needed her updates & comfort! -
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