
Someone bought me out of a basic Dragon family, and more!

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    lol no thay are awfull honest 😕


      Silly…no, they’re not 😆


      Well im used to having a whole set up with lighting and cloth so just shoving those dragons in the back room with window light coming from one side is me being lazy. 😆


      Nice pictures, Griffiness! The Sins are bigger than I thought. Somehow all those details made me think the Sins were very small and delicate. I like ’em!


      They are definately delicate! You lot worry about getting WIndstones in the post i worry 4 times more when i have to have something like this sent to me!


      I bet, especially with all those corners and loose ends.


      Wow, I thought they were going to be smaller than that. Hmm, must resist starting another collection.


      Yes they are alot bigger in person, not as heavy as Windstones though 😀


        Please forgive my ignorance. I have seen people mention The Sins, and I kept thinking they were action figures or something. I didn’t realize that they were those dragons. Is there a website for them? I did a google search, but all I were site warning against the deadly sins (religous). Also, what was the name of the first one you posted – looking like it was stepping through water?

        Sorry for all the questions, but now I’m really curious. 😀


        They are made by

        http://www.thedragonsite.com who have and American side as well. Click on round the Sin logo on the home page.

        But the company that makes the sins for the dragonsite have just gone bust and the Dragonsite is looking to find another producer at the mo so i don’t know if they will be selling any just yet or if they have any old stock, you would have to email them and find out. They WILL be back in Production though! The Sins were made in the UK so you would have to email the UK side of the Company.
        A collector in Canada had two shipped out to her and recieved in one piece and another collector in the US somewhere had all three shipped out.
        The Dragonsite will make sure you get them in one piece!
        They are Limited to 200 each only.
        All 7 Sins are sculpted in wax but just three have been moulded and are in procuction at the mo. (Anger, Pride and Gluttony)

        You can find pictures and info for them here,


        Hope that helps you guys and i wont get told off for putting this here 😀


        Oh if you have anymore questions the forum on the Dragonsite is a bit dead we all moved here,



          Thanks for the info!


          Yes! very cool, Which is the one breathing fire down on the weapons? Kind of the reversal of putting a spirital charge on them, by exposing them to Nether Worlders or Sprits. Good Pics too.
          And Yay! for the Pound, that stinking Euro destroying all that National Identity. I collect Coins, real ones, with history, Euro blah.


          Agreed, Art. The Euro sucks. 😡


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Agreed, Art. The Euro sucks. 😡

          Ahh! Your everywhere!
          I heard that in germany they just changed the price tags on everything from DM. to Euros without making adjustments /differential, so the prices in many cases actually doubled. We should worry? These folk have a bad history of mismanaging inflation, and making everyone else pay for it. ( I’m part German so I don’t actually intend to insult, but History is history). The city of Berlin has spent more money on art than the U.S. Government has for the entire country,/ Smithsonian Magizine.

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