Some prayers and good thoughts, please…

Home Forums Miscellany Community Some prayers and good thoughts, please…

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  • #626840

    You certainly have my thoughts and prayers straight from my heart and soul for you and your friend. I’ll light both a pink (obvious) and green (healing) candles for both of you (as youre under stress too). Please keep us posted. Shes walking a difficult road and hopefully it’s one she’ll be able to skip right through soon enough.

    Big hugs! XOXO


      I’ll keep her in my prayers too. I hope it turns out ok!


        I’m sending lots of good thoughts her way!


        Bright Thoughts to her and you!!


          All the best to you and your friend. Let us know what happens


            Sending prayers for you and your friend. Please keep us posted.

          Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)
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