I went back and measured the sockets on the kirin. The kirin in particular-at least mine, sockets measure out to nearly 9mms. Because the sockets on the kirin is significantly shallower than the young dragon and griffin, I will have to relegate them to 9mm size status. All the PYOs mentioned have a 9mm measurement at the BACK of the sockets, but since the opening of the kirin’s socket is so shallow it is much more evident. I’m thinking that even though some of the newer castings really measure out to 8’s they still seem too small. It has to be the profiles. The glass eyes have a weird, higher profile, that causes them to seat differently in the sockets, they are not as flat on the backs either.
Because my castings set flush to very back of the sockets, and are lower in profile, I think all previous 8mm PYO’s sizings will have to be up-sized to 9’s. (At least it is only a 50 cent price increase, regardless of treatment.) Any client who has ordered 8mms from me in the past, and they are too small, please mail them back and I will replace them all with the new size for free.
I’m so sorry folks!!!!