So tell me Dragoness….

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    skigod377 wrote:

    dragonessjade wrote:

    skigod377 wrote:

    Awwww theres the pretty Black Gold OW. I sure hope I can take him back off your hands one day. πŸ˜†

    Well as soon as the Production Black Gold OWs or I get a chance at another one then you have first dibs. πŸ˜€

    Hopefully I will have some money left over after the move and I can save up for him. I want at least one prototype OW and he was my most sentimental. Miss Melody even wrote “finally” on the COA since I had tried to win the first three and failed. πŸ˜†

    Wow, I didn’t know that or maybe I forgot you told me. No wonder he had the most sentimental value.


    skigod377 wrote:

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Aw, Ski, he was the first one you won? What a bummer you had to sell him.

    It was for a good purpose. He paid for my laptop. Plus, he went to a wonderful home. I like Dragoness. πŸ˜†

    Yeah, sometimes ppl have to sell things to get other things that they want. Aw, I like you too Ski. πŸ˜€

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