
So Melody…

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    I PM’d You the answer Star. 😆


      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      I PM’d You the answer Star. 😆

      1 part baby 2 parts rootbeer??


      You forgot the icecream. 😆

      1 scoop icecream
      1 can rootbeer
      1 dead baby


        When I was pregnant I visited a Forum for pregnant/new mothers and some one actually started a “Dead baby Joke” thread!! 😯 😯 😯 Well I at least found them funny You should have heard (Seen 😕 Read 😕 ) how well that went over!! The responses were far more entertaining than the jokes!


        😆 😆 😆
        On the other end of the age group….

        What does and old man eat?

        Depends. :mrgreen:


          Ewwww 😆


          Yeah, and 95% of them I do know are like that Mae. 🙄


            That’s okay. As long as it’s funny, I can handle gross! 😀


            Ok…This one is an old one. My Dad worked for John Deere for 20 yrs. This is one I heard him tell on many occasions…

            Two men are sitting at a bar on the ground floor in a tall building in New York.
            The first guy leans over to the second and says, “The way these buildings are made today we could go up to the roof and jump off and at the 2nd floor. The air currents would lift us up and carry us back to the roof.”
            The second guy says, “Yeah, right.”
            The first guy says,”No. Really. After we finish our drinks, we can go up there and I will show you.”
            The second guy, “Fine.”
            So, they go up to the roof after finishing their drinks. The first guy sys, “Ok, go ahead.”
            The second guy, “Hell no! This is your idea, so you go.”
            The first guy, “Alright.” He steps up to the edge, and then steps right off. The second guy looks over the edge as he falls. Then all the sudden, the first guy comes shooting back up and lands where he was standing.
            The second guy is amazed. First guy says with a smile, “Alright your turn.”
            The Second guy steps up and jumps off yelling, “Geronimo!”. The first guy hears a whistling sound and then a splattering noise. He brushes off his hands and walks back down to the bar.
            He walks up to the bar, and says, “Bartender, gimme another beer.”
            The bartender walks over and sets down the beer. He says, “Superman you sure are an @$$hole when you’re drunk.”


              😯 😆 😯


              Gross! 😯 😆


                Eeeeew!!!!!! 😯 😯 😯


                  I’m gonna kill you for this thread, DZ!


                  😳 Sorry Melody. It was weird, I felt like I was in highschool again for a minute…or two. 😯


                  Melody wrote:

                  I’m gonna kill you for this thread, DZ!

                  …I didn’t do it!

                  Everyone *else* is telling the jokes!

                  (I’m getting squirted so much they are calling the area around me the “splash zone”.)

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