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  • #785677

      Amen to that Lokie! My husband’s “friends” on his motorcycle forum picked us to adopt another member’s Curtain Climber. Uh, Uh, no way! 😈 Adults only, please. πŸ˜‰


        lamortefille wrote:

        Curtain Climber



        lamortefille wrote:

        Amen to that Lokie! My husband’s “friends” on his motorcycle forum picked us to adopt another member’s Curtain Climber. Uh, Uh, no way! 😈 Adults only, please. πŸ˜‰

        Yes, I volunteer my family quite often to adopt those that I find running around hungry and needing love…I have 5 so off to the family they go, LOL! One can only hope for: RESPONSIBLE PET OWNERS AND VERY RESPONSIBLE PET BREEDERS, coming soon in a fanstasy future near you! 😈

        Sorry, this is a constant rant for me… πŸ‘Ώ


          I hear ya, Lunar! We’re “full up”, too, but I’ll put food out for the neighborhood strays. Somebody else feeds them, too, so they never go hungry. We have a gray and white tom that’s been coming around more. He sits on the picnic table sometimes and looks at the door, so he knows what “inside” is. He doesn’t run when we put out the food, either. I would like to get to the point where I can TNR him at least or get him adopted at best. Hope springs eternal! πŸ™‚ We do what we can….


            If you get caught feeding the strays around here YOU GET THE TICKET because it is automaticly YOUR CAT and off the lesh… *yes there is a lesh law here for cats*…. Soooooo I have heard. This place is so stupid I would be surprised if is it TOTALLY TRUE…


              Serenity wrote:

              If you get caught feeding the strays around here YOU GET THE TICKET because it is automaticly YOUR CAT and off the lesh… *yes there is a lesh law here for cats*…. Soooooo I have heard. This place is so stupid I would be surprised if is it TOTALLY TRUE…

              there was a stray here that I took in because it was starving.. and they accused me of just trying to get rid of my cat.. I’m like it’s not my cat.. and they wouldn’t believe me.. idiots


                Awesome pics lol! πŸ˜†


                  Awwwwww I just love that cat! Does he take that pose often? He seems very mellow πŸ˜†


                    “Oh man, just one more hit of the nip and I’m done for a while dude.” πŸ˜†


                      Kalandra wrote:

                      Awwwwww I just love that cat! Does he take that pose often? He seems very mellow πŸ˜†

                      Yes, he is a silly kitty! I have several pictures of him “siting” like that, but more proper… lol


                        machineguts wrote:

                        “Oh man, just one more hit of the nip and I’m done for a while dude.” πŸ˜†

                        LOL XD


                          Hahaa!! πŸ˜†

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