So, let me ask you…

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      Who are you? Aside from at wonderful PYO painter living amongst armadillos and taking beautiful thunderstorm pictures, that is. 😀

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          Thank you! I love PYO’s and I love thunderstorms as you all can tell! lol

          Well… I am me! lol

          I am a mother of 3 beautiful girls… I have a wonderful husband… I am an artist as well… *there is an artwork thread burried in the general art area*.

          I also love cars, military jets, animals, and can draw all! 🙂 And we just got a new 2010 Ford Fusion too! Traded our older Fusion for it! I love it!!!

          We have 3 fun loving cats… PC, Mouse, and…… Fluffybutt!


            I bet this is going to be the shortest thread ever… lol


            Maybe not. 😉

            Have you posted photos of your cats on the forum before? I’d love to see them!


            ha ha, my neighbor has a cat named “FluffyButt” too! she responds to buttbutt girl and floofers too ^^ she’s a super long haired all black cat with the prettiest yellow/green eyes. She loves to butt her head up against your leg.


              PC is one of the coolest cats ever and we need to see some new pix of him and the others, too! 😀


                Oh yeah I have pics of the kitties on here… lol… But I will post more in here tomorrow… its bed time! lol 😉


                  lamortefille wrote:

                  PC is one of the coolest cats ever and we need to see some new pix of him and the others, too! 😀

                  Since I had no idea why PC would be a cool cats name, I googled it. Yup, I googled a cat’s name 😆 He he, pretty cute. In my mind, I think of cats as more snobby than picky, but then I guess I’m not really a cat person. There’s photos on the forum of one trying to kill me. Wonder if those still exist….

                  Edit: Found it.From Dec 06′ O.O
                  Almost Peed myself with Ski’s and Cheryl’s comments.

                  Sorry for the hijack 😳


                  😆 Reread the old thread. Man, I do miss Cheryl.


                    Aw Lokie…look at that sweet innocent kitten you’re holding! *big grin* Adorable!

                    For whatever reason, Serenity’s cat PC is one of my favs…maybe because he reminds me of Bill the Cat. I “Caturdayed” him a good while ago.


                      That is my all time favorite picture of PC. I have it framed! lol


                        My husband just walked behind me, saw the pix and said, “It’s Bill!! Ack! Thbbbt!” lol


                        😆 Hahaha! XD


                          Those cat photos are so funny 😆

                          Oh, and to inform, kittens are the devil’s minions in furry form. You’ll understand someday when you’re enslaved by them like the Ancient Egyptians were.

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