So, I have some questions *everyone feel free to join in*

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      1. Favorite color? Depends on the day, but mostly light blue

      2. Favorite ice cream flavor? Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food

      3. You prefer white or whole wheat bread? White

      4. Do you prefer to write with black or blue ink? Actually I prefer other colors, but I mostly use Blue

      5. What is your favorite board game? Star Wars Trivial Pursuit

      6. What was your favorite toy as a child? My Little Ponies

      7. Favorite toy now? Internet

      8. Is it you or your significant other that programs the VCR/DVD clock? Usually me, though he knows how to do it too

      9. What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen someone do or you did yourself (and lets keep this PG-13, K =P)?

      10. If you were a new character in the imaginary Pixar movie “Cars 2”, which car would they use to represent you? Probably a 2001 Blue Ford Focus SE (that’s what my car is, except for mine is green)

      11. Who do you think would win in a fight, Medusa or a snake-charmer? Medusa

      12. If you were a Circus Performer/Act, which one would you be? I wouldn’t be one

      13. If you saw a 100-dollar bill on the street, would you:
      a.) Pick it up <-Oh yeah

      14. If you picked up the 100 dollar bill (because really, Candid Camera? Come-on!), what would you do with it/spend it on?

      15. If your friend tells you that he saw a ghost, would you:
      b.) Think that he/she is crazy, but pretend you believe him/her and ask him/her for details <- Not so much on the thinking the friends are crazy part, but certainly ask for details


      Jasmine wrote:

      Nice GB. I don’t have the patience for chess. Actually I don’t have the patience for most things. 😈

      Er, we’re pretty similar in that regard, actually. I want everything finished yesterday. 😳 I mostly like chess because the setup can be so fancy. (You know, expensive wood board and hand-carved figurines… Suchlike. I do actually play about twice a year, though.)


      Ladycat_Rainleaf wrote:

      10. If you were a new character in the imaginary Pixar movie “Cars 2”, which car would they use to represent you? Maybe this one 😀

      That thing is just for decoration. Right?


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Ladycat_Rainleaf wrote:

      10. If you were a new character in the imaginary Pixar movie “Cars 2”, which car would they use to represent you? Maybe this one 😀

      That thing is just for decoration. Right?

      I’d give it a paint job first, but I’d totally drive that…. 😀


        1. Favorite color? Green

        2. Favorite ice cream flavor? Green Tea

        3. You prefer white or whole wheat bread? Whole wheat! The more seeds on it, the better.

        4. Do you prefer to write with black or blue ink? Color matters less than the individual pen. But, black.

        5. What is your favorite board game? Hmm, probably Candyland!

        6. What was your favorite toy as a child? My plush Fox, and my dinosaur toys!

        7. Favorite toy now? Still my dinosaur toys…

        8. Is it you or your significant other that programs the VCR/DVD clock? Both!

        9. What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen someone do or you did yourself (and lets keep this PG-13, K =P)? Anyone that really knows my husband and I knows this is an invalid question. Everything we do is very weird. Our house is like a live action episode of Invader Zim.

        10. If you were a new character in the imaginary Pixar movie “Cars 2”, which car would they use to represent you? Since there are also planes in the Cars movie, probably an A-10.

        11. Who do you think would win in a fight, Medusa or a snake-charmer? Medusa. What kind of a question is this. XD

        12. If you were a Circus Performer/Act, which one would you be? I’d probably be a parrot trainer.

        13. If you saw a 100-dollar bill on the street, would you: a.) Pick it up

        14. If you picked up the 100 dollar bill (because really, Candid Camera? Come-on!), what would you do with it/spend it on? I would actually turn it in to the police station. u_u

        15. If your friend tells you that he saw a ghost, would you: None of the above! I’d give them the benefit of the doubt and hear them out, at least.

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
        My art:


          Dragon87 wrote:

          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          That thing is just for decoration. Right?

          I’d give it a paint job first, but I’d totally drive that…. 😀

          Heh, I have no idea where/what that car is from (found it on google), but I’d certainly drive it, too! Although I think I’d prefer it to be a black cat…or a grey tabby…or maybe a tuxedo..


            Thanks everyone for taking the time to give answers, I’ve enjoyed reading them!

            GB, none of your answers surprised me, but I couldn’t help smiling thinking about you playing with your fighter jet model construction sets as a kid. It’s just so specific and the first time I heard that answer from either a guy or gal, but it seems like the natural answer from you.

            Dragonmedley, is the “huh’s” because you’re not sure what I’m asking, or because the questions aren’t worthy of any other response (which they probably are not) 😆

            Ladycat Rainleaf, you collect Japanese PVCs! Any photos? I love them, but I can’t bring myself to collect yet another thing (and my wallet won’t allow it).

            Jennifer wrote:

            11. Who do you think would win in a fight, Medusa or a snake-charmer? Medusa. What kind of a question is this. XD

            😆 The kind I think up at 2am. I find everything amusing at 2am. 😆


              The huhs are because they’re things I’ve never even thought about (a bit like what Jen said…) 😀

              And I just noticed… it’s Twindragonsmum’s turn!

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                Lokie wrote:

                Ladycat Rainleaf, you collect Japanese PVCs! Any photos? I love them, but I can’t bring myself to collect yet another thing (and my wallet won’t allow it).

                I actually love taking pictures of them so I have quite a few photographed individually, although I hadn’t taken pictures of my shelves/cabinets…so I whipped out the camera and, at the risk of looking like a giant nerd, here’s most of what I’ve got:


                My favorite shelf – figures by the artist Shunya Yamashita:

                And some close-ups of a few of my favorites:
                Yamashita’s “Canal”
                Capcomaniax Felicia
                Yamashita’s “Kasumi”
                Yamashita’s “Non-Non”
                Yamashita’s “Shii”

                I know what you mean about them being expensive – I usually can only afford a few of the big figures a year if I’m lucky (I have a lot of gashapon {capsule figures}, though, which are thankfully not too expensive). I’ve been collecting for many years, which is the only reason I’ve been able to amass this many of them. I’m hoping to get a new curio soon so that I can spread them out a little more – it’s getting a bit crowded! 😮

                *looks back at pictures* …oh my, I really hope y’all don’t think I’m too much of a geek now.. 😳


                  Ladycat_Rainleaf wrote:

                  Lokie wrote:

                  Ladycat Rainleaf, you collect Japanese PVCs! Any photos? I love them, but I can’t bring myself to collect yet another thing (and my wallet won’t allow it).

                  *looks back at pictures* …oh my, I really hope y’all don’t think I’m too much of a geek now.. 😳

                  Nah you aren’t a geek. I only have on Japanese Anime PVC figure. It’s this one from Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne. I’d love to get the matching Sinbad figure, but I’ve never seen him on ebay. I also have a Hikaru doll and her dress.


                    pegasi1978 wrote:

                    Nah you aren’t a geek. I only have on Japanese Anime PVC figure. It’s this one from Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne. I’d love to get the matching Sinbad figure, but I’ve never seen him on ebay. I also have a Hikaru doll and her dress.

                    Very nice! I like that Hikaru doll! ♥ If I ever come across a Sinbad for sale, I’ll let you know.

                    I’m a bit of a gamer nerd, so most of my figures come from video games (or original artist designs, like the Yamashita figures). I have a few Evangelion figures (which I feel a little odd about since I’ve not seen much of the show, but the figures were so neat!) and some smaller Kenshin figures. I have a resin kit of the girl from the “Presence” segment of Robot Carnival, too, which I adore.


                      Ladycat_Rainleaf wrote:

                      *looks back at pictures* …oh my, I really hope y’all don’t think I’m too much of a geek now.. 😳

                      Maybe a geek to somebody, but sure not to me.

                      Nice collection. 🙂 I recognize the Final Fantasy figures, as I have some of the same FFX & FFX-2 vinyl statues and action figures. I even spy the crouching Cloud from Kingdom Hearts figure in there. My sister has all the FFVII resin statues plus all the FFVIII vinyl figures. I’ll get them myself some day.

                      I really like this figure:

                      Ugh, why did you show me these, now I want them all 😆


                        Lokie wrote:

                        Nice collection. 🙂 I recognize the Final Fantasy figures, as I have some of the same FFX & FFX-2 vinyl statues and action figures. I even spy the crouching Cloud from Kingdom Hearts figure in there. My sister has all the FFVII resin statues plus all the FFVIII vinyl figures. I’ll get them myself some day.

                        I really like this figure:

                        Ugh, why did you show me these, now I want them all 😆

                        Ha, sorry about that! 🙂 Your sister has all of the FFVII resin statues? That’s awesome! I have a few from VII – I think my favorite at the moment is a tiny 3″-tall Safer Sephiroth that I painted (he was originally a clear “crystal” version). I wish I could get a hold of the big Kotobukiya FFX Lulu and Rikku figures, but they’re so expensive and hard-to-find now.

                        Non-Non is a great figure, and they just re-released it in both a pink and a black version, so it’s fairly easy to find right now. It’s based on this drawing by Shunya Yamashita. There’s a resin kit of her in that original outfit (with the red dress and “tails”), but the PVC one is very nice, too.


                          Ladycat_Rainleaf wrote:

                          Ha, sorry about that! 🙂 Your sister has all of the FFVII resin statues? That’s awesome! I have a few from VII – I think my favorite at the moment is a tiny 3″-tall Safer Sephiroth that I painted (he was originally a clear “crystal” version). I wish I could get a hold of the big Kotobukiya FFX Lulu and Rikku figures, but they’re so expensive and hard-to-find now.

                          Non-Non is a great figure, and they just re-released it in both a pink and a black version, so it’s fairly easy to find right now. It’s based on this drawing by Shunya Yamashita. There’s a resin kit of her in that original outfit (with the red dress and “tails”), but the PVC one is very nice, too.
                          That is a very cool Sephiroth; you did a great job painting him 🙂 I have the Kotobukiya Rikku (got it before the prices exploded) but haven’t been able to get the Lulu for the price reason as well. You would think it was made of gold 😆

                          Thanks for the info on Non-non. I’ll have to put her on my wanted list. Previously, I’ve looked into unpainted resin kits as a more affordable option, and I’m always tempted, but I don’t think I can pull off painting their eyes as well as a professional can. :scratch:


                            Lokie wrote:

                            Thanks for the info on Non-non. I’ll have to put her on my wanted list. Previously, I’ve looked into unpainted resin kits as a more affordable option, and I’m always tempted, but I don’t think I can pull off painting their eyes as well as a professional can. :scratch:

                            Oh, I know what you mean – the eyes are usually the hardest part for me, too. Plus, I don’t have an airbrush to really soften the skin tones, which is a bit of a pain. But the price is just irresistible sometimes! 🙂

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