So I got a late V-Day present

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      Louis got me the Gold Hatching Empress and Gold OW tees in black from cafe press!!! SQUEEEE SOOOOO CUTE!!! As well as the calendar with the griffy chicks! Once again…SQUEE SOO CUTE!!!

      I’m definately wearing one of them up to the factory on Mon….I’m going to look like SUCH a tourist!!! ROFLMAO Talk about fan-girl.. 🙄



        That was nice of him! Perfect attire for a factory visit.


        Louis sounds like a great guy – if you ever get tired of him let me know! 😆 But how did he ever know you would like them?

        No, seriously, that’s really sweet. He gets bonus points!


          Awwww! You two are so cute. 😉


            He got MEGA bonus points when we had been dating for 4 months and he made me get my ears pierced for my B-Day saying “I’ll make it worth your while. I promise!” and then 4 months later he gave me my first ever pair of diamond earings for Christmachanakwanziyule! 😯 He put them in the ears of the plushie orange tabby Ty beany baby. I didn’t even notice them until I was huggling him and they scratched my neck! =P AND THEN on the last day of Channukah he gave me a diamond promise ring 😯 He’s not going ANYWHERE! 😈


            Dang! You sniped a great guy! 😆 Sweet and creative – I like the idea of the diamonds in the cat’s ears.

            How many bonus points=Windstone?


              awwwwwwww can i have a nice guy like that toooooooooooooooo? mine has a tendency to be lazy n smelly and lately, cheap!! 😕 he’s a spoiled brat by me. maybe its my fault.. i spoil him (and past bfs) with the works …all the cleaning, dishes, laundry ironing, toe/fingernail clipping, backrubs, scalp rubs, foot rubs butt rubs, picking up abandoned dirty dishes, dirty clothes on the floor and wet towels on wood furniture …. they /he got lazy and expects everything on a silver platter without putting anything back out! then i get crucified for not working on my artwork! “when are you going to do something with yourself, huh?” uhhhh maybe when i don’t have to do everything around here…hmmm? ha! sorry for venting and complaining, its just sad lately. 🙁 sniffle


                *hugs TF. Awww. That’s sad. You should let him know that you’re not happy with that, maybe he’ll shape up a bit.

                My guy and I are both lazy bums. We split the housework evenly between us, but that mostly means that none of it ever gets done. We have a double-bachelor pad. *grins*

                And I do agree that Nirvana seems to have caught a good one.


                  I agree. Nirvana, you’re very lucky. 😀


                    yes you are nirvana! now how awesome is it that you found a guy that also likes windstones! that and being all sweet etc.!! who would believe it could happen?! i am sure you know you are blessed! only problem is then he knows how much you spend! but if he likes em so maybe he won’t mind! lol! oh ,you know what?! while you’re at the factory have their master mold making guy make a mold of him, so we all can have a copy!! you can keep the original of course and then anyone who needs a good guy or a backup will know where to go! yay! limited production though of course, so there will still be plenty of envious outsiders. 🙂


                    it is totally great you found a guy who is sweet and likes windstones. i have a sweet guy who isnt fond of windstones. so, no matter how great he is, he is always saying things like ‘dont you have enough of those?’, ‘didn’t you just buy one?’, ‘do you really have the space for all of these?’, ‘no, you shouldnt get both.’ (and the mother coils got retired a few months later. GGGGRRRRRR)

                    don’t get me wrong, he listens to me, talks to me, and is totally there for me.

                    so he is sweet, but not supportive of my windstones. 🙁


                    tfsculptures wrote:

                    awwwwwwww can i have a nice guy like that toooooooooooooooo? mine has a tendency to be lazy n smelly and lately, cheap!! 😕 he’s a spoiled brat by me. maybe its my fault.. i spoil him (and past bfs) with the works …all the cleaning, dishes, laundry ironing, toe/fingernail clipping, backrubs, scalp rubs, foot rubs butt rubs, picking up abandoned dirty dishes, dirty clothes on the floor and wet towels on wood furniture …. they /he got lazy and expects everything on a silver platter without putting anything back out! then i get crucified for not working on my artwork! “when are you going to do something with yourself, huh?” uhhhh maybe when i don’t have to do everything around here…hmmm? ha! sorry for venting and complaining, its just sad lately. 🙁 sniffle

                    Honey, chu need to kick ‘is ass to da curb! (insert Jerry Springer audience member’s voice)


                      p.s., totally unrelated statement with no appropriate place to put it….( thank you powers that be that put the tm on my poads-tm. in my thingy! hee hee! thats my clean up crew keeping after my peabrain again! i just remembered “oh crud i should put that on there!” then took a look and it was done! hee hee. i’m sorry i forgot thanks for bearing with me, powers that be.)


                        Congrats on finding a GREAT guy Nirvana. Any tips for the rest of us??

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