Today, January 10, 2025, we have restocked our Unicorn Colt, Male Unicorn, Baby Unicorn, Mother Unicorn, Young Unicorn, and Ponycorn in Snow White. Anyone who was on the waitlist for any of these will have received an automatic “back in stock” email. We did not make a newsletter announcement about these restocks.
We have also hidden the Grand Unicorn in Snow White from view while we do a Password Protected restock of it – offering them to those who have been on the waitlist the longest first. If you receive an email from me letting you know that you can place an order and do not want one – please reply to that email letting me know that I can pass yours along to the next person in line. Please do not share the password with anyone else, and please place your order with your Windstone account that has the email address that matches the email you received the message from. That makes it much easier to match things up! Thank you!