My husband and I like to wander the candy aisle of the Japanese food stores and pick out stuff to try. If you don’t mind paying a little too much for something you may hate, it’s a lot of fun. 🙂
There’s an entire line of Japanese candies called Calpis. With a name like that, it has to be good . . . ? (Actually, they’re delicious.) I’ve tried Calpis with Mint, Calpis Milk, Calpis Peach, Calpis Grape, and Calpis Lemon. Mint was best. 😉
There’s also an electrolyte drink called Pokari Sweat. Tastes like . . . well, truth in advertising.
On the same note, the candy bar named Climber: The name says it all. It wants to climb right back up your throat. Krunky isn’t too good either, but at least the name was a fair warning. 😛