SK-A different kind of EmPea!

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    Sorry Adara. Didn’t mean to step on toes, or hijack threads. 😳 I vote for the SK as well, just a bit later so I can afford it! 😉


      I’m just play’n! 😀 I,m in Tulare, Ca. and the sales tax here is 8.25%. Tax sucks!


        I bumped this cause it was mentioned in the broadcast and I was wondering if this was still possible.


          There was a poll going for the next SK color, but I can’t find it now. It’s disappeared or something! 😕

          Edit: Nevermind, I found it! Oh, and Empea SKs would be very cool!


            AdaraSky wrote:

            I know you can’t make Emerald Peacock SK’s again cause they were limited production, but I was wondering if when ever the SK’s come out in production if you could paint them the Emerald Peacock with little or no purple like you do the dragons now with very little purple. You would probably have to call it something else too. I’m not one for the purple anyway. I like the one that have more of the teal blue/green color. You could make the SK’s just different enough by using no purple. EmPea is a beutiful and popular color and it would be a shame to not make any SK’s in a similar color. Besides I’m gonna need one to match all of the EmPeas I’m getting!!!! Something to think about 😉

            Oh! You mean with the other violet color. You are right! I could make them with the bluer violet on them, just like the others! I hadn’t thought of that. Thank you!
            I was thinking that the Em. Pea. Secret Keepers could be painted in a simpler manner (the limited edition ones had lots of hand brush painted details on them ) but having the color difference also is a great idea!


              she was pretty in empea too!


              Hate to point this out, but Oregon has it’s problems too. From what I understand, instead of sales tax, you get reamed by property tax. Same problem, different location.

              Oh, and please watch the politics. I support Arnold insofar that he (unlike Grey Davis) has been avidly working towards budget solutions for California, even if where the cuts have been have been unpopular. Additionally, unlike the Democ”Rats” and Republi”can’t”s, he is moderate, a stance I fully approve of in a world that is rapidly growing to be politically black and white. *shrugs* The money has to come from somewhere. Specially in a state this big.

              *steps off her soap box*

              I’ll work on a new em-pea concoction. If Melody will let me.


                Melody wrote:

                AdaraSky wrote:

                I know you can’t make Emerald Peacock SK’s again cause they were limited production, but I was wondering if when ever the SK’s come out in production if you could paint them the Emerald Peacock with little or no purple like you do the dragons now with very little purple. You would probably have to call it something else too. I’m not one for the purple anyway. I like the one that have more of the teal blue/green color. You could make the SK’s just different enough by using no purple. EmPea is a beutiful and popular color and it would be a shame to not make any SK’s in a similar color. Besides I’m gonna need one to match all of the EmPeas I’m getting!!!! Something to think about 😉

                Oh! You mean with the other violet color. You are right! I could make them with the bluer violet on them, just like the others! I hadn’t thought of that. Thank you!
                I was thinking that the Em. Pea. Secret Keepers could be painted in a simpler manner (the limited edition ones had lots of hand brush painted details on them ) but having the color difference also is a great idea!

                I’m so glad you saw this again! I think it would be awesome for you to change the EmPea color to make it production on the SK. I personally like the deeper bluish purple instead of the violet.


                  I’d still like to know the price of the SK direct sales??


                    Dragon Master wrote:

                    I’d still like to knwo the price of the SK direct sales??

                    That sort of this isn’t usually decided until right before they go up for sale- if this even happens. They often don’t decide until hours or sometimes even minutes before we can buy them.

                    My sales tax is 8.5% here in poverty armpitt Western NY too so don’t feel too bad. Property tax is also very high. My parents pay over $5k a year and the house is valued at less than $100k 😉 Each place has it’s ups and downs.

                    Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                    My art:


                      You should hear about the Property taxes in Indiana. My mom’s have quadrupled in the last 2 years. People are having to sell their houses becuase they can’t afford the taxes.

                      Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                      Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                      Sun Dragon Koi #3


                        I might have to also but no one is buying in my area now


                        setsunawolf wrote:

                        You should hear about the Property taxes in Indiana. My mom’s have quadrupled in the last 2 years. People are having to sell their houses becuase they can’t afford the taxes.

                        😡 Don’t get me going on Indiana property tax. Blegh.


                          Jvargas0667 wrote:

                          Dragon Master wrote:

                          Hey where in Concord are you?? I work in San Ramon and would LOVE to meet a fellow collector
                          You mean you do not like supporting Arnold?? Big surprise!!!

                          I live on the concord/clayton border. The company I work for in in San Ramone, too. It’s on Bollinger Canyon Rd.
                          For GB, sales tax here is a mere 8.5%. It’s not as bad as customs for all of you, but is does sting. Especially for those custom pieces that get a bit pricey.

                          Don’t complain, we’re paying 5% GST + 8% PST…so 13% sales tax on just about everything.


                            Jvargas0667 wrote:

                            Dragon Master wrote:

                            Hey where in Concord are you?? I work in San Ramon and would LOVE to meet a fellow collector
                            You mean you do not like supporting Arnold?? Big surprise!!!

                            I live on the concord/clayton border. The company I work for in in San Ramone, too. It’s on Bollinger Canyon Rd.
                            For GB, sales tax here is a mere 8.5%. It’s not as bad as customs for all of you, but is does sting. Especially for those custom pieces that get a bit pricey.

                            we are neighbor’s work wise!!
                            I work for at&t behind Target on Bolinger Canton Road. Our building has the entire City block. We have a pond and a lake on the property here and Candadian Geese too bad we hca too deal withall their poop. We used to have 2 swans too but I have not seen them in a LONG time so I think they got relocated

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