Sitting. Waiting. Refreshing.

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      tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

      Silverdragon wrote:

      Yeah, the only curlie im waiting on is the Violet flame. It’s the only one Im missing so far with the curlies. 🙂

      I have one on the way 🙂 There’s one on e-bay right now too. Are there any trades you’re looking for? I want the VF but there are others I want even more if you have anything to trade.

      Nope, im sorry. I like all of mine and i have no doubles. Thank you though. I will just have to be patient and wait until the factory makes more. 🙂

      Oh and the curlie on ebay is the red flame aka russet curl. It’s not the violet flame color that im looking for. I already have that one. 🙂

      Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
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      Ohhh I thought she looked a lot like the violet! Hmm. Guess I didn’t even know of the existance of that one and won’t be needing it if it’s so close to the violet 😀


        Susie wrote:

        tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

        Any clue on how much longer for laps/OWs and curls?

        No, we are still waiting for them to grow horns. sorry! 🙁

        Somebody send them some Miracle Grow please! 😆


        lamortefille wrote:

        Susie wrote:

        tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

        Any clue on how much longer for laps/OWs and curls?

        No, we are still waiting for them to grow horns. sorry! 🙁

        Somebody send them some Miracle Grow please! 😆

        Makes me curious about the process how exactly they put in the horns that it takes so long. Hmmm 😀


          I suspect that it’s a combination of people being very, very busy at the factory right now, and the glue/epoxy having time to fully set and harden. 🙂

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          That makes sense… I was figuring something about putting the horns in in itself takes a long time 🙂


            No you need to hold off on the old warriors. I’m broke and need time to build up some money for one.


            That’s a good point because if I was going to get one it would be on cc 🙁


              I wished they’d actually take CC as well as Pay Pal!! ’cause then all I’d have to do would be tell my CC company I need to make US$ transactions every now and then. Much easier than Money Order!!


              You can put a credit card on your paypal account and then use that..?


                I don’t/wont get a Pay Pal unless absolutely necessary, and it’s not. I know they say they’re secure but, so do other websites. IE Facebook, and they recently got shown up hard core. I’m paranoid enough that I have very little on Face book, and most of it’s “blocked”, actually all is blocked unless I friend you, or at least should be. 👿


                Lupin wrote:

                I don’t/wont get a Pay Pal unless absolutely necessary, and it’s not. I know they say they’re secure but, so do other websites. IE Facebook, and they recently got shown up hard core. I’m paranoid enough that I have very little on Face book, and most of it’s “blocked”, actually all is blocked unless I friend you, or at least should be. 👿

                what happened on facebook? how were they ‘shown up’? I am on there, and I want to know what happened. 🙂


                  Long and short was a Major relatively easily done security Breach that allowed any one access to all your personal info, whether they knew you or not(didn’t even have to be on your friends list). I’ll try and find one of the articles when I have the time.

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