
Single color collection (or mostly)

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    I have all the emeralds, most of the black golds (maybe all of them), all of the old green, all of the rubies, Going to get all of the rainbows and most of the IVEPs.


      I’m trying to collect all the Black-Golds, Rainbow’s and Silvers(don’t have any silver’s yet though)

      Male is trying to collect Red-Fire, Ruby, and Peacock.(No Red-gold’s yet though)

      Khym’s collecting Em-Pea, white and Old Brown. (Though he so far only has a Hatcher in Em-Pea)

      We want to start collecting for my Mom Gold, Emerald, and Old Green.

      Our Curls are a “Family” Collection, though gods-Forbid Marc and I ever separate they will probably go with me. I also am to collect the Griffs, Hoofers, and Kitties. Male gets Frogs and Wizards. I want to collect the Dino’s too as well as the Hatching eggs( I LOVE the Gargolingus) But we’ll probably get the Dino’s for Khym.

      Umm yeah we got a lot to get, but we’ll work on it slowely as the funds are available.


        hmmmm, i definitely have the most of the peacocks. i have: emperor, mother, male, young, hatching, hatching emperor, hatching empress, lap, scratcher, old warrior, coiled male, fledgling, sitting spectral, all three orientals, and mouse wizard. ( i think that leaves the kinglet, rising spectral, the three human wizards and the cat wizard) i soooooo want a rising spectral in peacock! i don’t have that sculpt yet in any color! >.< i think i still know of a couple places that may still have him in stock, but its hard to have that much money at once, especially with all the awesome limiteds coming out!


          For me…my collection is just a hodge podge of whatever I happened to like at the time…lol… πŸ˜€


          purplecat wrote:

          For me…my collection is just a hodge podge of whatever I happened to like at the time…lol… πŸ˜€

          Ditto. πŸ™‚


            lol….at least i’m not the only one! I see sooo many beautifully arranged and collected sets, and then roll my eyes at my own collection! πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


              purplecat wrote:

              lol….at least i’m not the only one! I see sooo many beautifully arranged and collected sets, and then roll my eyes at my own collection! πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

              Sometimes I do the same thing. πŸ™‚ I think, ‘wow, it’d be great to have all of this color…or that piece over there, and that one there, and…oh, who cares! I’m buying what I like.’



                For a while I was stuck on the idea that if I had one of a “set” then I had to have all of them. Like the oriental dragons. I thought I had to have one of each for a while, so I got each one in a different color. But the Ruby Sun Dragon and Peacock Young Oriental never grew on me. I love my Jade (really Jade, not Emerald) Oriental though. And then I got an Emerald Sun that came to me with a broken foot. While working on repairing it, I fell in love with it, so I sold my Ruby one, kept the Emerald. And I figured as long as I was selling the Sun, I should sell the Young too, so I did. Now I have two I like. And that’s good enough for me.

                Now if I could only figure that out about some of my other “sets” and thin my collection down a bit more. πŸ˜€ I’m running out of room!!


                For me, it’s a mixture. I have a decent selection of Old Green, Old Brown, Emerald, Rainbow, and rather a lot of Peacock. I didn’t have any white pieces until I found a Male and Mother on eBay, decided to buy one to have an example of the color, then ended up buying both. πŸ™„ At one point I wanted to collect everything in Peacock, but space considerations and the fact that there are so many wonderful new colors coming out have made me reconsider that. The one sculpt I have a very hard time not craving, in any color, is the Old Warrior. Currently I have him in Peacock, Violet Flame, Emerald, and Special Gold. I have hopes of picking him up in Red Fire, Black Gold, Silver, Rainbow, and Emerald Peacock. Eventually. πŸ˜†


                You don’t want the OW in ruby? That’s the only one I have. I think we’re opposites. πŸ˜› Ruby was the only OW to draw me in.


                purpledragonclaw wrote:

                You don’t want the OW in ruby? That’s the only one I have. I think we’re opposites. πŸ˜› Ruby was the only OW to draw me in.

                Oh, I thought about it! πŸ˜† But then the Red Fire version came out, and that one really grabbed me. I like the orange-red color scheme better than the pink-red. Although the basic red on the Ruby is beautiful, the pink highlights aren’t my style.

                Just watch. Two or three years from now, I’ll have changed my mind, and be desperately seeking a Ruby OW. That’s what happened with the Emerald OW! πŸ˜†


                I think we all know what it’s like to see a sculpture somewhere before it’s retired and think, “Nah, that one’s not for me.” And then, BOOM!, it’s retired and you’re scrambling to find it, thinking, “Gah, WHY didn’t I buy it when it was in regular production?!?!?


                I collect the browns when it comes to dragons, but my collection started with the unicorns.

                At present all I still need to complete the set are, Emperor (I know pipe dream) OW, close to pipe dream but possible, Coiled mama, scratcher, sitting and rising spectrals, and of course a Secret Keeper, do you guys think they will ever make a brown SK?



                  My collection is small at the moment but I am just going after what I really want. πŸ˜€ I don’t know if I could go after a WHOLE family of dragons UNLESS she comes out with an AWESOME blue! πŸ˜‰


                  Serenity wrote:

                  My collection is small at the moment but I am just going after what I really want. πŸ˜€ I don’t know if I could go after a WHOLE family of dragons UNLESS she comes out with an AWESOME blue! πŸ˜‰

                  How small is “small?”

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