Single color collection (or mostly)

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    I would like a complete black gold collection, but I don’t have a single pieces yet, so I dunno… I’m not concentrating on any particular color yet. I want to buy a wide variety, and then, much later, have fun filling in the cracks, so to speak.


      I have every dragon in peacock, except the Secret Keeper and New Curlie, but since they’ve retired that color (why oh why?!?!?!) I guess that means the peacock collectiion is complete. I have other pieces in other colors but I think the peacock is my favorite, blues and purples being my favorite colors. Eventually I’ll get some pictures to post (adds that to the enormous to do list 😕 ) I currently working on thiefing :ahem: borrowing my dads fancy camera but that will have to wait till my parents come back from vacation.


      I have most of the peacock dragons, I am missing one of the hatchlings, the kinglet (eyes peeled everyone), and the sun dragon. I also do not have the large or wind wizard or the cat or mouse, maybe someday, jsut dont really like them.


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      I would like a complete black gold collection, but I don’t have a single pieces yet, so I dunno… I’m not concentrating on any particular color yet. I want to buy a wide variety, and then, much later, have fun filling in the cracks, so to speak.

      Thats the best bit i think, filling in the gaps, especially what you finially do it. 😀

      I got my first Windstone Dragon today my collection totals 2 now 😀 (Yeh i know, laugh at me) The little PYO is so cute i cant paint him for fear of making him ugly lol.

      Next stop rainbow mother 😀


        Rusti found a rainbow mother. Have you seen that post? Its in the flea market.


        Oh but you must paint the PYO. He’ll be so sad with no color!
        (Besides, it’s fun.)


        hee hee no he wont he is so handsome, i had no intention of painting him in the first place. I love him white 😀 Its quite nice to have a white within your collection somewhere.

        Ive got to get a mother from this side of the pond a she is most likely to get broken on the way to the UK and will cost a bomb.


          Griffiness wrote:

          Ive got to get a mother from this side of the pond a she is most likely to get broken on the way to the UK and will cost a bomb.

          Ahhhh, thats right. Shipping is very costly!


          Yes, but…! Bother, star, looks like you van welcome Griffiness to your club of obstinate I-refuse-to-paint-a-PYO Windstoners! 😆


          When i get some more money in two weeks if Windstone have any white griffins up i will buy two one to keep as a white and another to paint.

          Ski i know a shop in the UK that has a Rainbow mother 😀 she is £100 and £17 p+p so about $235 i know its not cheap really but buy the time i buy one from the states i’ll have to pay the postage and then i will get hit about £20 from customs and im sure she will get damaged all that way.


            The PYO Griffins are available on the Buy Direct from Windstone page on this web site. You can get them at any time — with lots of eye colors to choose from.


            😯 Oh Gosh, must have…..



              On my dresser from left to right: old warrior prototype, spectral, emperor, hatching, lap, scratching, hatching emperor, coiled, small wizard, fledgling, cat wizard, mouse wizard, young, coiled mother, wind wizard, hatching empress, mother, male, large wizard, hatching kinglet, old warrior, rising spectral

              I’m not fond of the orientals so they’ll never be part of my collection. And I need to learn how to take better pictures. Soon I’ll have a matching peacock collection with frog wizard.


              Nice, unicornita! One field of emerald…


                Yup, beautiful!

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