Since when did walking my dog become a life/death issue??

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    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    😀 I love people who believe in the right to keep and bear arms.

    sadly, i prefer bear feet. they are so warm and fuzzy on the toes. 😆


      Pam, if he’s using a shotgun as you said he was, you don’t want to be shot anywhere!

      If he’s using bird/turkey shot, you will be hit with hundreds of small BBs, which may not be localized if he is a distance from you. My father’s friend was part of a hunting accident (it was a freak accident, not someone being stupid) and was shot with bird shot in the side. He survived but he still has BBS surfacing in his skin and hurting him, 10 years later.

      If the guy is using buckshot, it’s pretty much the equivalent of being shot with several .22 caliber rounds over an area of your body. It can be very lethal and non-localized.

      If he’s using deer slugs, then that will turn whatever it hits into hamburger! If he shot your leg you could very well loose the leg or bleed out before getting medical assistance.

      I think asking the cop to walk with you, in plain clothes, a few times would be the best course of action. 🙂

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      😆 😆 Haha, gryphondreamer. Yeah, the problem with… What are the those words called that have the same spelling but mean two different things?
      Emerald, help!


      homonyms? that is for two words that sound alike, but spelt differently. which is what you probably mean. 😀
      (like there, their, they’re)


      Yes! Thank you. That’s what I get for being on building site all day. I’m dozing off, and it’s only 1830 hours. 😕


        Actually a homonym is a word that is spelled that same and sounds the same, but means two different things, such as a bank (the side of a river) and a bank (a place to keep money).

        A homophone sounds the same but is spelled differently and means different things, like there (a place, as in “over there”), their (a possessive pronoun, as in “their books”), they’re (a contraction meaning “they are”).

        Sorry for the English lesson, but I love this stuff!!! What Gryphondreamer used was a homophone. 🙂


        Thanks! I learned something new! 😀


        Thanks, emerald, but didn’t gryphon actually use a homonym? I used “bear” in the sense of “carry” and she used “bear” in the sense of the furry critter. They’re both spelled the same. Ergo, homonym – or not? 😕


        its ok, i tend to get homonym and homophone mixed up. i am surprised they let me out of grade school. of course, i am now stuck in grad school. so it is like i never left. 😀


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Thanks, emerald, but didn’t gryphon actually use a homonym? I used “bear” in the sense of “carry” and she used “bear” in the sense of the furry critter. They’re both spelled the same. Ergo, homonym – or not? 😕

        i did use a homonym with bear. but my example of there, their, and they’re is a homophone.


          Oops! 😳 My mistake. Yep, a homonym. I thought she was using a pun on “bare,” but I reread it and you’re right.


          Any news? Obviously he hasn’t shot you yet…so update us about the ongoing wierdness in your neighborhood……


          gryphondreamer wrote:

          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Thanks, emerald, but didn’t gryphon actually use a homonym? I used “bear” in the sense of “carry” and she used “bear” in the sense of the furry critter. They’re both spelled the same. Ergo, homonym – or not? 😕

          i did use a homonym with bear. but my example of there, their, and they’re is a homophone.

          Oh yeah. Now I understand.

          Pam, I hope you’re still all right – at least physically!


            emerald212 wrote:

            Sorry for the English lesson, but I love this stuff!!! What Gryphondreamer used was a homophone. 🙂

            Sounds like the phone in my house!!! 😆

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