Since when did walking my dog become a life/death issue??

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    You could get a zapper (can’t think of the real name). Or maybe a knife.


      dragonessjade wrote:

      You could get a zapper (can’t think of the real name). Or maybe a knife.

      oooh! Yeah! a Tazer!!! 😈 😛 😈


        I think you mean a tazer. Only thing is you have to be close to use it or a knife.


        Yep, that is what I mean. Don’t they have those ones that throw the pad(?) on the person so you can tazer them?


        My brother has tasers. Dang, just the zap sound is enough to make my hair stand on end! 😯


        haha, we went to a sword store last weekend and the guy had a tazer. My bf wanted to see what it did so he called his friend over. Needless to say his friend ran away before my bf got him. 😆


          Mace would work, too. 🙂


          skigod377 wrote:

          Mace would work, too. 🙂

          That is what my bf ended up getting me until I get my gun permit.


          skigod377 wrote:

          Mace would work, too. 🙂

          They’re too heavy. And tasers have limited range. Guns are still the best.


          I carry a Glock 17. I highly recommend one, if you feel you need serious protection.


          Yay, Quill! Glocks are awesome. But I swear by SIG.


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            skigod377 wrote:

            Mace would work, too. 🙂

            They’re too heavy. And tasers have limited range. Guns are still the best.

            I think Ski was talking about the spray-type mace, not a giant club. You know like pepper spay.


            pegasi1978 wrote:

            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            skigod377 wrote:

            Mace would work, too. 🙂

            They’re too heavy. And tasers have limited range. Guns are still the best.

            I think Ski was talking about the spray-type mace, not a giant club. You know like pepper spay.

            Now THAT made me lol.

            I have this great mental image of Pam, dog leash in one hand, mace over her shoulder, walking along a path while whistling. xD


            Pepper spray isn’t a bad idea cause it can be used on the dogs if needed. I would think siccing the dog on you is illegal.

            And even with kids, I’d be surprised if the cop didn’t hear the gun shots. Check with him, he would be another witness. Ask him if he would mind keeping an eye and ear on the neighbor when you’re around too, just to see what he thinks of the man’s behavior.


            pegasi1978 wrote:

            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            skigod377 wrote:

            Mace would work, too. 🙂

            They’re too heavy. And tasers have limited range. Guns are still the best.

            I think Ski was talking about the spray-type mace, not a giant club. You know like pepper spay.

            Okay – that would be a term for pepper spray that I’m not familiar with. 😆 I know my weapons in German, but I keep seeing I’m occasionally a little lacking in the English terms. 😳

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