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- This topic has 133 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 17 years, 9 months ago by Bob.
June 5, 2007 at 11:10 pm #584990
Man, with what is going on with you Pam, it makes me very grateful that I live 2 miles outside of town, and my nearest neighbor is over an acre away, the rest are much farther from me.
I would definately talk to the police about this guy, and the neighbors need to know that this person is a possible endangerment to those around him.
I would also wonder if the wife isn’t just as nuts, after all, she went and got the shotgun after she knew that it was only neighbors walking their dog, too. You would have thought she’d be the voice of reason.
I don’t understand why the guy is so territorial, espcially over public property, you have every right to walk up and down his street whenever you wish to, whether he likes strangers near his home or not, you aren’t doing anything wrong.
But he is, even if he wasn’t shooting at you that night, he shouldn’t have been coming out after other people with a loaded shotgun at all. Especially after you identified yourselves, if he had harmed you , he would have been in for it, as it is, it is still possible you could charge him with assault with a deadly weapon, as you really don’t know for sure if he wasn’t aiming and firing at something he thought might be people when he shot it.
It is obvious that the man is mentally unstable. While you can avoid that route and thus ensure your safety in future, what about those already living near him and in future. He needs help before his paranoia gets someone killed.
June 6, 2007 at 12:22 am #584991Quote:Quote:
Pam, do you live within (or is this guy’s house within) any city limits?
Technically… No.
Hmm, well then he may or may not be legal in discharging his firearm. Within city limits- then yes, it’s illegal to discharge. Outside of city limits depends on your local (re: state) laws. In NY where I grew up it was illegal to discharge a firearm within 500 yards of a residence or dwelling. You may want to check on that if you’re able.
Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
My art: featherdust.comJune 6, 2007 at 6:21 am #584992Yeesh, Pam, I don’t like the sound of that bugger one bit. I wonder if he’s a drug dealer or running a meth lab or something. (My SoCal mentality kicking up again–sorry.) If he’s up to something illegal, then that might explain why he’s so quick to grab his bloody gun. This goes without saying, but . . . he’s dangerous, and I don’t think he’s playing with a full deck. Be very careful. 😯 There’s a bad vibe here.
Lupin brought up a good point, though, and it might give you some leverage: The developer does not want a trigger-happy whack job in his nice development. Who would buy a house within half a mile of this loon? I’m sure you’ve already mentioned the gunshots to the developer, but it would be a good idea to start documenting every interaction (or lack of same) that you have with Mister Cuckoo. The developer may have more leverage on the legal side of things if it comes down to getting this fellow to behave himself. And if you can give the developer a signed statement with dates, times, incidents, etc. then it will be very useful to him in any action he might take. It’s also useful to you, if you have to take some kind of action, i.e. lodging a formal report with the police. Just a thought.
June 6, 2007 at 1:09 pm #584993That’s a good point. Most of the communities like that (sadly I’m in one, yuck) have a homeowner’s association because they want to keep the neighborhood ‘classy’. See if that exists in the housing community. My in-laws had to sign into a homeowner’s association contract in order to even live here. We’re not even allowed to have a clothesline in the back yard because it ‘lessens the look of the house’.
Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
My art: featherdust.comJune 6, 2007 at 6:44 pm #584994Ok, I’ve just about had it with this person…
Yesterday, Shilo and I went on a nice long walk (aprx. 3 hrs). Near the end, she was very hot and tired because we had just had a narrow escape from a hot air balloon that Shilo thought was going to eat us. We were on the second road going through the subdivision (NOT the road the recluse is on). Next to us is a feild, then a creek, then a second feild, then the recluse’s road. We cut down to the creek so my dog can get a drink of water. I figure, what-the-hey, I’ll just cut over to the recluse’s road and go home. It is still plenty light, and that road is faster. So we cross the creek and start heading for the recluse’s road. We are TWO properties down from the recluse’s house at this point, so we don’t have to go past him to get home even when we do reach “his road”. I figure, what could possibly happen?
So anyway, I’m on my merry way, cutting a diagonal across the feild for the road, and I hear a dod barking at us. I look over, way up the hill, and there is a big black dog at the recluse’s house. It starts charging down the hill towards us, and I hear: “Get ’em Reggie!! You get that little SonofaB****!” The dog stops at the edge of the property, thankfully. Still plenty of room between it and me. The recluse continues to yell, but I can’t tell what he is saying or who he is yelling at. He sounded like he was yelling at someone, but I was thinking it couldn’t possibly be me, I am so far away! But now thinking back on it, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was yelling stuff at me, regardless of whether or not he could see exactly who I was. My eye’s were not good enough, so I could not see if the recluse was actually watching me up at the house. So I don’t know if he was sicing his dog on me KNOWING it was me, or if he was just telling his dog to attack whatever it was barking at regardless of what it was. Either way, he’s NUTS!
So, having had all I can take for one day, I tie my dog to a tree out of sight, and walk over to pay a visit to the cop’s house. By this time, the recluse is gone off doing who knows what, and his dog is loping around in the backyard ignoring me. I talk to the cop, and he says pretty much just ignore the guy and call the sherriff’s department if he keeps bothering me. He says the only thing he knows about the recluse is that he has a bad drinking problem (wonderful..). By the time we are done talking, it is dark. I run back over to my dog, untie her, and we make our way over to the road together. There are now THREE lots between me and the recluse, with our backs to his house, walking AWAY, towards MY house. Seconds after hitting the open road, two load gunshots go off up at the recluse’s house. Now, I have NO clue what he was shooting at. I can’t immagine he could have seen me in the dark from that far away! and I KNOW he wasn’t target practicing!! (no lights on up at the house, no one target practices in the dark). A trigger happy, paranoid old man with a mean dog. I don’t know if I even want to go near him in the daytime anymore either!
P.S–Is it LEGAL to randomly shoot guns in the dark in the heart of a subdivision, regardless of whether or not it is within a cities limits??
June 6, 2007 at 6:47 pm #584995This seems to be getting past dangerous. Could the cop hear the gunshots too?
June 6, 2007 at 6:50 pm #584996No, I think by that time he had already gone back inside. And I doubt he would have heard much over the clamouring of his three children wanting to know “who the strange girl was and what she wanted who was outside talking to daddy for so long.” Darn. 😡 🙁
June 6, 2007 at 6:51 pm #584997Great. 😕 It sounds like you can’t even capture this on camera when he’s always out of sight. Will you talk to the sheriff?
June 6, 2007 at 6:53 pm #584998Greater Basilisk wrote:This seems to be getting past dangerous. Could the cop hear the gunshots too?
Agreed. You need to report him.
June 6, 2007 at 6:55 pm #584999Jesus H. girl! Get a gun. If that dog comes near you when you are walking your dog, shoot it. If he comes out after you with his gun, shoot him. Self defense.
June 6, 2007 at 7:05 pm #585000skigod377 wrote:Jesus H. girl! Get a gun. If that dog comes near you when you are walking your dog, shoot it. If he comes out after you with his gun, shoot him. Self defense.
You guys give such wonderful advice, lol… If he ever starts bringing out hand grenades, I’ll just have to remember to bring along my bazooka 😆 You know what this reminds me of? The Dr. Suess story about the butter-side-ups and the butter-side-downs. They lived on either side of a big wall and each hated each other. Every time one got a big weapon, the other side went out and got a BIGGER weapon!
June 6, 2007 at 7:09 pm #585001Pam Thompson wrote:P.S–Is it LEGAL to randomly shoot guns in the dark in the heart of a subdivision, regardless of whether or not it is within a cities limits??
Possibly, possibly not. This depends on your local and state laws. This sounds funny, but call your local fish and game office. They should know if discharging a weapon like that is legal or not. Our state cops had no idea but the fish and game wardens knew, because most of the time people that do it illegally are hunters that are too close to someone’s house. It may be helpful to know approximately how close his house is to other dwellings. This can have a lot of impact.
If he has a drinking problem, this goes beyond him just being a bully- if he is drunk off his ass and shoots at you or even just discharges his weapon in the wrong direction there is real danger there. Especially if it is a rifle. Even a .22 (which is a small caliber) rifle bullet can travel more than a mile. Larger calibers can go further and still retain penetrating velocity. Shooting wantonly is very dangerous with anything except a shotgun full of shot (even a 12 gauge full of shot looses nearly all it’s potency within 60 yards).
Please use care. I am very pro-guns but people like this make me mad. There is no reason for him to use his weapons in a threatening way, since you have been no threat to him.
Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
My art: featherdust.comJune 6, 2007 at 7:14 pm #585002I agree. Call the sherrif and report him for threatening you, siccing his dog on you, and shooting at you. For all you know, he was. You are on public property, for Pete’s sake! Report this nut before he hurts somebody!
June 6, 2007 at 7:26 pm #585003I’m with everyone else. Report him before this gets even more out of hand!
June 6, 2007 at 7:28 pm #585004has he shown this kind of behavior towards other people or dogs? is there any way you can find out?
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