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- This topic has 133 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 17 years, 9 months ago by Bob.
June 5, 2007 at 1:21 pm #584975June 5, 2007 at 1:32 pm #584976
Being an insainly paranoid person myself (aka I’m afriad of my own shadow in the dark) I think I just might have fainted when he started shooting. Or, I’d have wigged out and shot back. If hubby’d have been there, he’d have shot him….
Gosh. I’m glad I don’t live in your area. We’d all be in jail.
HOwever, living in town, I *completly* understand the need to walk the big giant bored dog on more than 2 paths. I would strongly suggest you walk the other two when you’ll be out after dark, and that one during the day only. that will ensure the principle, AND, you’ll be able to keep an eye on the place when you go up there. Personaly, I’d walk with someone when i went up there, but I understand that may not always be possible.
He probably moved there because RIGHT NOW it’s not a place of other people. It’s like living in the country, away from folks. When they start selling plots-spec the two next to him, I wonder if he’ll move.
You be careful.
June 5, 2007 at 1:40 pm #584977Anonymous
I must have read over that part, he actually took a shot at her? Man, I don’t know, people call Canada backwards but if you take a shot in public up here, you’d have the cops all over your ass in 5 minutes. This sort of problem just doesn’t happen up here.
June 5, 2007 at 3:26 pm #584978Screw letting him scare you out of walking your dog on public property. You were there first, not this crazy old bat.
I’d say, go to the police, explain the situation and see what THEY think you should do. Tell them everything.. the gun part whole 9.
Maybe they can start stalking HIM while you walk your dog in peace.
June 5, 2007 at 3:34 pm #584979This thread has me worked up too. But this kind of thing happens more often than you think. I’m split on the advice on this. I agree with some that you should avoid the guy (for safety reasons). I’m also on Pam’s side for 1.) The principle of the issue, 2.) It is public property, 3.) I hate bullies.
I would recommend talking about it to your police officer neighbor and see what they have to say about it. I would also consider taking along a video recorder to record what he is doing while you are up there. (This way it won’t be his word against his, but you can back up your claim.) You can record what he is doing in a very nonchalant way, and if he does threaten or harm you it can be used as evidence.
Also, try not to let it bother you too much that he is always watching you guys. He’s just a bully and doesn’t trust anyone. Just wait until he gets neighbors! If anything, I would pitty him, since he must have been very hurt in his lifetime to be so standoff-ish.
Keep us informed of what goes on.
June 5, 2007 at 4:09 pm #584980i agree that you should only use this path during the day light hours. and take a cell phone and possibly a voice recording device. if you take a video camera, i think it will incite him more and just make the situation worse. (if your cell phone or camera records video, that is a different story if you can keep them inconspicuous.)
keep us updated on how things go. i feel for you.
June 5, 2007 at 4:21 pm #584981I do not think you can record anything w/o him knowing it’s being recorded. I’m not a lawyer but I do not think htey could allow that evidence w.o hi8m kknowing he is bieng reecorded. I would check that out too
June 5, 2007 at 4:40 pm #584982Pam, do you live within (or is this guy’s house within) any city limits?
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My art: featherdust.comJune 5, 2007 at 5:05 pm #584983I agree with snap on the gun thing.
My dad used to be a landlord and one of the guys he had renting was yelling at him from across the road and then told his wife to go get the gun and because our neighbor heard it all he was able to call the police and the guy was arrested. I don’t know how it works in the land of the free (US) but I would think that if you told the police that he brought out a shoot gun AND fired it, it wouldn’t matter if it was a warning shoot or not, that guy would be in a lot of… poo…
Also he says he doesn’t like strangers but yet you said that you went to his house to apologizes for scaring him and he was rude to you. Technically you introduced yourself and explained the situation that you walk you dog up there every few days so you aren’t a stranger. He may not know you that well but he knows who you are. The right out of the dictionary meaning of stranger is “a person with whom one has had no personal acquaintance.” He has that, so tell him to shove it.
If it were me when I went to his house to apologise for scaring him I would have mentioned that it is also illegal (maybe not there *shrugs*) to shoot a gun at someone unless out of self defense and that I don’t appreciate being shot at.
I think you said that there are also some little kids living near him now. You might want to consider warning their parents about the guy.
Sorry that was so long guys, but people like that, that have a large tree shoved up their ass make me very angry and “you wouldn’t like me angry,” mu ah ha ha ha…
June 5, 2007 at 7:36 pm #584984Quote:Lift up your shirt next time he watches. At least give him something to watch.
I mean, seriously, if it was me… here’s an example, some guy was ripping up the freeway the other night, and I changed lanes across him, so he had to slow down (he was doing like 40 over me, and I’m already 20 over the limit), so he goes by blasting his horn.
I was changing over to turn right at the next corner, and the light was red, so I pulled up in the corner and stopped, and they started hollering crap at me, I stepped out of the car, whipped out Mr. Happy, flapped it at them, and drove off.
It shut them up. You gotta do what’s least expected, then people leave you alone.
Had I shouted obsenites back or flipped them off, they probably would have chased me instead. Oh, but that’s fun too when they see a 6’8″ guy get out of a Neon (not to mention my 6’10” friend was in the passenger seat)
Eh heh, heh… umm… No. Works for you, I don’t think I would try anything like that though, lol. Remind me never to tick you off
Quote:He probably moved there because RIGHT NOW it’s not a place of other people. It’s like living in the country, away from folks. When they start selling plots-spec the two next to him, I wonder if he’ll move.
Well that was a dumb move on his part.. There are 7 lots on that hill. Of those 7 lots, 5 are sold. 3 have small children. He is smack in the heart of it all!
Quote:I must have read over that part, he actually took a shot at her?
Here is the part you missed, Snap: “A month or two ago, my b/f and I walked up to the top of the hill. It was dark. We were across the road from the recluse’s house. I hear the door open, he comes outside. After a few moments, he yells “who’s there!?” I yell back “It’s just us, taking the dog for a walk!” Silence. Then I hear whispered “honey, get the shotgun!” My b/f and I panic and run for it, down to the bottom of the hill, about three lots down from the recluse’s house. We stop to regain our wits, and we see truck lights go on way back at the top of the hill, at the recluse’s house. “Oh $%!#” is all we could think. The truck slowly drives a circle around the top of the hill, and the guy has a spotlight that he is shining around (we are far enough away he can’t see or hear us at all). The truck drives down the opposite side of the hill, out of sight (toward another house that is being built down in the woods). We watch, waiting for the truck to come back into sight. We hear two or three gunshots! Silence. Then the truck comes back. Does a few more laps around the top of the hill with the light, then goes back into the recluse’s driveway. We take off. “
“Thankfully, he wasn’t shooting at us. I have no idea what he was shooting at. Warning shots, maybe? No doubt, if my b/f and I hadn’t run when I heard the guy tell his wife to get the shotgun, we WOULD have had a gun in our face! I can’t beleive he was bringing out firepower that night.. I even called to him to let him know it was just a lady walking her dog! How much of a threat could I possibly be??”Quote:Pam, do you live within (or is this guy’s house within) any city limits?
Technically… No.
Quote:I think you said that there are also some little kids living near him now. You might want to consider warning their parents about the guy.
You know, it’s a funny coincidence..
The guy with the kids living nearby IS the cop. He lives in the house right next to the recluse. We have talked to him before (before we had trouble with the recluse) and he has no problem with us walking there.
The reason that road is so important is because I have almost no place left to walk my dog. Three years ago, this whole thing wouldn’t of been a problem. I would have backed down and never gone near the guys house again. Back then, I had a million other places to walk. Since then, about 1/3 of the land I used to hike has been sold and turned into sod feilds. About another 1/3 was fenced off and turned into cow pasture. The last 1/3 is now being turned into a subdivision, acre by acre. With every lot sold, I have 5-8 less acres to walk on. By the time every lot is sold, the main road in front of my house and the two roads going through the subdivision will be the ONLY places left for me.
I will take everyone’s advice though.. I am only going to go up there in daylight. If it is night, I will stick to the second road in the subdivision. The third route is the main road in front of my house, but it can’t be walked at night either because of all the traffic. Thanks for everyone’s advice. I will try to talk to that cop soon to see what he has to say.June 5, 2007 at 7:37 pm #584985Dang Pam!! I’d say never walk alone up there!! Get that cop to go with you a couple of times sans uniform or even in uniform to show you know the cops. And take your cell phone with you, have 911 set up so all you have to do is hit send!
June 5, 2007 at 8:06 pm #584986Dragon Master wrote:I do not think you can record anything w/o him knowing it’s being recorded. I’m not a lawyer but I do not think htey could allow that evidence w.o hi8m kknowing he is bieng reecorded. I would check that out too
Depends on the state you live in.
June 5, 2007 at 8:11 pm #584987WOW, I felt like I was watching a horror/comedy movie while reading this! The guy reminds me of that movie The Burbs with Tom Hanks. Maybe if you had stuck around when you heard him mention shotgun, he could probably be in jail now or maybe youd be oh say 6 ft under. I know not funny. This guy is just an ass. What I don’t get is, if the cop lives next door to this guy wouldn’t he or someone in the cops house hear the gun shots that were fired? I would def talk to law enforcement or you could play dirty! Make the guy sooo paranoid that he leaves! Or maybe do what snap said! If it were me, I’d have some fun then probably get into one hell of a fight with him. I’m not one to keep my mouth shut. Don’t know if that is good or bad
June 5, 2007 at 10:04 pm #584988Umm just a bit of caution, since you didn’t go to the cops the time you heard shots, and because you did run when you heard the word Gun, some DipS#!&cops will actually say “Well obviously if you ran you must have been doing something wrong, and likewise since you didn’t report it to us immediately You also have proved you must have been up to no good” I want to add a few duhuh’s in there, like the retard cops who say this should be using, and would in TV and Hollywood lands, but you get the point!!
So maybe mentioning it to the cop next door and asking him for advice as well as giving him the heads up would be the best idea. And man I’ld want to know about a nut Job like this before I’ld moved into the Neighbourhood, ’cause I sure as Hades wouldn’t have moved in there in the first place. This applies to the poor suckers who’ve just bought the places next to his, and moved in after he did, not you. I mean if you had inadvertantly bought the house next door, how would you ever sell it with him!! I expect a bit of the converstation on why you’re selling would go like this “So why are you moving out of this beatuiful place it seems like it’s perfect for you, still space for your family and a new area so it will be farr less likely to have much if any actuall crime” “Well you see it’s the Neighbour, he says he doesn’t like strangers, and that people who’ve actually lived here for as many decades as he’s spent months don’t matter, that they’re still Strangers even after politely introducing themselves to them, Oh and yeah he has a gun and isn’t afraid to use it” Umm Yeah that house is going to sell, sell real well!!
But I do hope that you don’t get the bad cop’s who really need some refreasher training on how to actually be concerned with their jobs. I mean I’ld have ducked down behind something, downed the dog, and called the cops on my Cell phone which is always nearby. My reason for hunkering down is I’ld be far more nervous that he can shoot something moving better than something he can’t see. But I’m just paranoid and have spent WAYYYYYYYY to much time on public transit.
June 5, 2007 at 10:35 pm #584989If he wants to play that way, get the cops involved. You aren’t on his property, and the way he is behaving *is* harassment plain and simple, and it is creating a hostile enviorment, especially where you have permission to be.
I strongly recommend documenting (Writing down everything that has happened, date, time, etc.) his behavior, and then going to the local police station and having a chat with them, and showing your documentation to them. He’s not just a threat to you, but to anybody else in that area. I’d take him to task if I were you.
EDIT: And furthermore, contact the seller of those lots. I don’t think the landowners would be very pleased that some whack-job is scaring off potential buyers. That sort of thing will being police action *and* a lawsuit.
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