Since when did walking my dog become a life/death issue??

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      skigod377 wrote:

      What crap!! I am with you. If I didnt have a child I would do the same thing you are doing. Keep on with your buisness. I suggest carrying a cell phone, and when he comes out with a gun, call the cops. Then hide till they get there. What a jerk. Next time he tells you he does not like strangers, tell him that neither do you. I also suggest not speaking to him. Totally ignore him when he comes out.

      Thankfully, it was only once that he came out with a gun. But hey, it’s still just as nerve wracking when he comes out to glare at us every time we go up there! It’s like he thinks he has to watch us or we will attack his house or something… Crazy.. Seriously, it’s like clockwork! You go up there, and within minutes, you hear the door open! You leave, you hear the door close!

      I think I will just ignore him when he yells at us next. He ignores us when we say nice things to him!


        Def ignore him. He will eventually get used to you and maybe stop acting like a physco. πŸ™„


          I’ve been walking up there several months now, and he only seems to be getting worse.. My mom used to wave at him when we were on walks and he would drive up to check out property (before he bought the place). He saw us lots of times.


          Wow, Pam, you got the pick of the crop with that neighbor. I’m sorry.
          SPark has a point about walking elsewhere, at least until Bill and/or the police have checked up on the guy. But ignoring him should help too… Let us know how it goes.


            if I was you I would see if you can get a police officer to walk with you so if he threatens you again you have proof. Preferably one not in uniform since the uniform will make him act all proper.

            You have been assaulted if he has said those things to you all you need now is proof or you may even have enough to go to the police right now. I just learned assaut is verbal is he actually does something to you it’s then battery and he would be in much deeper trouble then. I would talk to a police officer about assault NOW before it turns into something worse.
            I bet he is watching from his living room for you every day


              I’m freaked out just reading this! I have a friend whose neighbour walks around naked, but she doesn’t threaten anyone.

              Yes, go to the cops with this, especially if there’s one living down the street. This guy should build a fence and leave the rest of the world alone!

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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                Lift up your shirt next time he watches. At least give him something to watch.

                I mean, seriously, if it was me… here’s an example, some guy was ripping up the freeway the other night, and I changed lanes across him, so he had to slow down (he was doing like 40 over me, and I’m already 20 over the limit), so he goes by blasting his horn.

                I was changing over to turn right at the next corner, and the light was red, so I pulled up in the corner and stopped, and they started hollering crap at me, I stepped out of the car, whipped out Mr. Happy, flapped it at them, and drove off.

                It shut them up. You gotta do what’s least expected, then people leave you alone.

                Had I shouted obsenites back or flipped them off, they probably would have chased me instead. Oh, but that’s fun too when they see a 6’8β€³ guy get out of a Neon (not to mention my 6’10” friend was in the passenger seat)


                  Then again, I’m not a small guy. I guess people just naturally fear me, especially with a weaponized maglite always in my hand.



                    Though I did laugh out loud reading this. Good thing I’m alone at the office at this time. πŸ˜€

                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                      WTG Snap!!! πŸ˜†


                        Mr. Happy ain’t so small either.


                        Maybe they were jealous.


                          Or scared you might be making them an offer. 8)


                            I was making them an offer.


                              Well, better luck next time 😈


                                Pffbt, if I wanted that route, I had something way better in the car already.

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