Silver Spectral & Rainbow Lap dragons now available! 4/2

Home Forums Windstone Editions Windstone Store Discussion Silver Spectral & Rainbow Lap dragons now available! 4/2

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        the Rainbow Old Warriors are not in the store yet – but they will be quite soon…

        Right Now we do have the Silver Spectral Dragons and Rainbow Lap Dragons (both are Limited Production items) in the store, and the Rainbow Scratching dragons are back in stock.

        again – the Rainbow Old Warriors are not in the store yet – but they will be quite soon 🙂


          How soon is soon? I have to work tonight and can’t get on the internet 🙁


            Yay, more rainbow dragons! 😀


            purpledoggy wrote:

            How soon is soon? I have to work tonight and can’t get on the internet 🙁

            I talked to Susie and she said maybe tonight, more likely tomorrow.


              Rainbow Old warriors are available now!


              I want a rainbow lap 🙁 *sighs thinking of her low bank account*


                I want a Silver Spectral!!!!!
                [=75]Ya’ll can all have the Rainbows!!![/size]


                i still need a rainbow scratcher but I got the Old warrior so scratcher will have to wait a month ;p

                This will be my first OLD WAR !! yay


                Silver Spectrals! Yay! I’ve gotta snag one of those.


                GO GB GO!:P

                *waves to her myspace friend*


                😆 I’ll get it! I’ll get it! Congrats to you on the OW, by the way.


                thanks 😀 and to yoU! 😛

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