
Silver Male & Mother Grulla Unis

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        There are two Males and about seven Mothers right now.


          Males already gone, drat. 🙁 But 4 Mothers left.

          Thanks for the heads up! 🙂


          Yay!! got them both this time! Thank you for the wait list notification, luckily I was online or i’d have missed the Male.

          Now to ponder and watch and wait for the YOUNG one to show up!! please?? 🙂


            I think I got a pair, but PayPal decided to pounce on me with ‘YOUR CREDIT CARD IS OUT OF DATE!!! Enter new date and verification #’ * I enter date and # * ‘ENTER DATE AND #!’ * I, again, enter date and # * ‘ENTER DATE AND #!’ *Snarl at computer that I’m not USING the dratted credit card, I’m trying to pay through bank, cancel order and try again. Whole thing repeats. Give up and check email this morning to find that the orders both went through even if the money didn’t and Susie has kindly sent me a PayPal invoice (and canceled the surplus order, which I didn’t know I’d sent). Today PayPal admits no knowledge of any credit card whatsoever and permits me to send my money to Windstone. At least, they pretended to do so.

            So I thought I had them, and then I thought I’d missed them, and now I don’t know anymore, but I think . . . maybe. 😕


              Hope you got them, Thrippa! That sort of stuff drives me just wild! 👿


              I didn’t know where to post this but will do so here. Just have to say Windstone is a class act!!!

              In my excitement to buy the Unicorns yesterday I submitted my order for both the Male and Mother individually and processed each in paypal. Of course this meant I was charged twice for shipping. My bad.

              Not only did Susie immediately email me to let me know she would combine my order but has also refunded me the overpayment in shipping already. WOW! Thank you so much for the wonderful customer service!! I can’t wait to get them.


                Susie most definitely ROCKS! 😀


                  Agreed! Susie is awesome! ^^

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