
"Silver" Dragons

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      Nambroth wrote:

      sunhawk wrote:

      Ooooo i’d love to see some sea-foam eyes, that’s a lovely colour ^_^

      They sound cool but man, it’s hard to find anything they look good in! They’re so weird and minty. XD


      Windstone collector in remission. 😉


      sunhawk wrote:

      Melody wrote:

      Ssthisto wrote:

      Melody wrote:

      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Violet is too pale. A nice, deep purple like on a peacock Spectral… 😀

      Yeah, dark purple.

      Awww, I want a silver dragon with GREEN eyes. There haven’t been any production green-eyed dragons.Good green eyes are another goal of mine. We have green glass paint, but it is olive green, or sea foam green.

      Ooooo i’d love to see some sea-foam eyes, that’s a lovely colour ^_^
      I agree, SEA-FOAM would ROCK! Especially with the silver!

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