SIlver Dragons

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      Yeah, poll! I don’t want to even attempt to start it though… cause I’ll mess it up one way or another! 😆


      Lavender or green. But the grey ones are pretty too. There are no green eyed dragons though…. 😆


        travistie wrote:

        Yeah, poll! I don’t want to even attempt to start it though… cause I’ll mess it up one way or another! 😆

        I will try it. Hope I am not stepping on any toes!


          They can fuss at me. It was my idea. 😉


            Blue is overused perhaps, but it looks very nice on the silver dragons. I vote blue!!

            The only way I’d change my mind is if they made a new color of eye- a very pale minty green. That would be pretty. The current green is too deep and saturated for the silver dragon.


            Lavender, green or blue.

            And, Arlla, when I saw the thread I thought “Arlla must be jumping around with excitement!”


              ddvm wrote:

              Lavender, green or blue.

              And, Arlla, when I saw the thread I thought “Arlla must be jumping around with excitement!”

              I am too! I secretly really like the silver OW! 😀


                sshhhh!!! Don’t anyone tell Nam’s secret!!! 😆


                Nambroth wrote:

                The only way I’d change my mind is if they made a new color of eye- a very pale minty green. That would be pretty.

                I’m all in favor of that. Green is my favorite color, and there aren’t near enough green-eyed dragons.


                I’d say lavender or green. Blue is nice but, it there has been too many blue eyed dragons.


                  I voted for blue but for a silver dragon(s) any color eyes just as long as the dragon(s) are silver.


                    ddvm wrote:

                    Lavender, green or blue.

                    And, Arlla, when I saw the thread I thought “Arlla must be jumping around with excitement!”

                    LOL I was bouncing off the walls when I read Melody’s post last night!! XD


                      In order – Lavender, Green and Yellow 😀


                      Arlla wrote:

                      ddvm wrote:

                      Lavender, green or blue.

                      And, Arlla, when I saw the thread I thought “Arlla must be jumping around with excitement!”

                      LOL I was bouncing off the walls when I read Melody’s post last night!! XD

                      Don’t hurt yourself, or the silver dragon funds will go to the hospital! 😆


                        *smacks nose into screen* O_O!!!!!!!!

                        omgomgomgomgomgomgomg I vote for grey eyes with 2nd choice being lavander. *hyperventilates into paper bag*

                        Are you thinking just OW, or product line? I think my husband and I would buy the whole line of silver O.O

                        *rereads first post* omg, she said “dragons” not just OW* *Squees and wakes her husband up*

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