SIlver Dragons

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        Hypothetical question: So if I did Silver Dragons, what color eyes should they have?


          I’m thinking blue would be a good color. 🙂


            I would love grey….lol…

            but that’s just me….blue or green would be good too…


              I was thinking lavender..


                The grey eyes on Olimpia’s looked beautiful and the blue eyes on the lighter silver OW looked nice, too.

                Yeah, lavender would be cool, too.


                  Melody wrote:

                  I was thinking lavender..



                  I think green eyes are beatiful…then again I’m sure I’m biased, having beautiful green eyes myself!
                  😀 With silver, I think any eye color would look beautiful. the lavander would possibly not pop as much as another richer color. But that would look beautiful none the less. I love purple too. Lavander or green would be my vote on that.


                    Gray eyes, for sure!
                    For me, the eyes would actually make me want to buy a silver dragon. I think blue eyes are over done… and they look weird in silver (mop).
                    If anything besides gray, I would say lavender.
                    But my vote is for gray 100%.


                    Someone should photoshop that silver old warrior with all the different possible colors ^^ wish I knew how…


                      I would definitely go with grey. I find that the blue eyes, though nice, are a bit over used and I’m not really fond of lavender.

                      As a second choice, and especially if you’re planning to use gold detailing, I’d go with yellow.

                      But grey would be my first choise by a wide margin.


                        Melody wrote:

                        I was thinking lavender..

                        lavender eyes…. with hints of violet interference…..hehe

                        that would be fun…


                        What about green? You have yet to do a set of dragons with green eyes.


                          I like steel grey!! If you could get it that grey with just a hint of blue!!! Otherwise just plain old Grey or Blue. But if going with Yellow Highlights maybe green would be better. And I personally think Purple is overdone in conjunction with silver. But I also am not incredibly fond of Purple. Speaking of which thank you Melody for having done Unicorns and staying away from making them Purple!!!! That is what has over exposed me to Purple and made it probably my least favourite colour overall!!


                          Melody wrote:

                          I was thinking lavender..

                          Great minds thinkn alike. THAT was seriously going to be my answer. You dont have many pieces with lavender eyes. You do have enough blue and red eye colors so lavender would be a wonderful change of pace and go perfectly with silver dragons.

                          Try em out on curls and watch them go like hot cakes like the pinks did!

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