
Silver dragon Eye Color Poll

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      Nambroth wrote:

      Blue, hands down, I didn’t even have to think about it! The only time I’ve ever liked lavender eyes is when the sculpture has that color in the body somewhere. Otherwise, yuck! Purple eyes are about the only color that don’t occur naturally, perhaps that’s why I’m so adverse. I’m ashamed I even put them in the Moon Griffin! 😆

      But but I’ve used blue sooo much! (and Pam Thompson will kill me!)


        I voted for the grey. I’m ok with the lavendar but they don’t thrill me either. 😀


          I think lavendar eyes would look lovely, but I’m not sure about the silver scheme with lavender accents on it…I mean for one, that’s the gold dragons’ thing! …though if I actually saw it done, I’d probably love it.

          I think I object to the blue eyes just on principal, because they’ve been used on SO many of the dragons, but I do agree that they looked pretty awesome in the silver OWs.

          but, you know, there’s no real point to me picking and choosing – when it comes down to it, I’d take a silver dragon with ANY eye color ^_^

          "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
          -J R R Tolkien


            I’m surprised that no one has speculated on Melody’s “hypothetical” plans…. 😆 Curlies, maybe?


              I think lavender or grey would be nice 😀


                purpledoggy wrote:

                Lavender, I’m so sick of blue eyes!

                AMEN! I’m soooooooo sick of blue eyes! I honestly very strongly dislike the blue eyes.

                I voted gray. He’d look stunning, silver with gray eyes. To be honest I probably wouldn’t buy a silver dragon if he had anything but gray eyes…


                lamortefille wrote:

                I’m surprised that no one has speculated on Melody’s “hypothetical” plans…. 😆 Curlies, maybe?

                I did. I have always said to try out any color on curls so everyone has an affordable chance to grab one and see it in person… and go from there.


                  I know blue has been done so much, but I think I really like it best. Lavendar would look nice as well, but I think there would need to be some sort of lavendar interference for it to make as much sense as say straw eyes (since there is already gold) and blue and silver accent really well together. I do like Nam’s idea of the light/minty green. The current green I don’t think would go so well, but a different, lighter shade would like nice. Soft like the grey eye color, only green.


                  Nambroth wrote:

                  Blue, hands down, I didn’t even have to think about it! The only time I’ve ever liked lavender eyes is when the sculpture has that color in the body somewhere. Otherwise, yuck! Purple eyes are about the only color that don’t occur naturally, perhaps that’s why I’m so adverse. I’m ashamed I even put them in the Moon Griffin! 😆

                  Truth be told, all my life when Ive had serious crying spells, where Ive clamped my eyes closed for over 15 minutes and really cried myself into a 24 hr migraine (this hasnt happened often mind you), when I open my eyes, sure theyre blood shot but my blue eyes DO in fact turn pale purple, lavender. There is a very notable difference between my eyes then and the blues I have now. When friends have seen it, they have always freaked out saying they look like contacts. Ive seen them myself but under the circumstances that they occur, I can never enjoy them… or make them happen otherwise.

                  I voted for LAVENDER because I dont think Ive seen any other Windstones (save for Moon Griffs which are gorgeous and PYOs) with lavender eyes. I could say the same about Grey. I think in general, blue and red have been used enough all over the place (Windstones). Red is especially done on dragons. If I cant have lavender, Id vote for green because, as it’s been noted, there arent green-eyed dragons out there. My next vote would be grey for the same reason but youd have to really catch me in a monochromatic mood to desire grey eyes on a silver dragon (even with gold hi’s).

                  If lavender is chosen, you can do a very subtle tie in body color. Very pale interference or iridescent that only shows when looked at in certain light. I favor “cool” color themes and that is what the cold silver and smooth lavender would give me. A meditative dragon.

                  and definitely try it out on CURLS first… please, *cough, squeak*… Im broke what the heck am I saying! But curls- I could swing it I think… hope! And I dont even squeak for dragons!


                    siberakh1 wrote:

                    I know blue has been done so much, but I think I really like it best.

                    +1 The blue might be overused, but from the images provided, it really was the only color I thought fit best (the green eyes in the photo were nice too, but didn’t look entirely accurate to the green Windstone eyes, which I don’t particularly like).


                      I’m the sole Green one. I would LOVE olive like when I type here but it was not a choice. Grey on Grey is WAY toooooo Momotoned. Lavender would be nice too


                        I voted for straw/yellow because it really brings out the gold accents. If there were no gold accents, I would say lavender or gray.


                        I chose Googley but just cuz I could… 😆
                        But I like the lavender eyes too. 😀


                        Lokie wrote:

                        siberakh1 wrote:

                        I know blue has been done so much, but I think I really like it best.

                        +1 The blue might be overused, but from the images provided, it really was the only color I thought fit best (the green eyes in the photo were nice too, but didn’t look entirely accurate to the green Windstone eyes, which I don’t particularly like).

                        I agree with you two.


                        Pam would probably vote red… 😆

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