
Silly Internet thing- dragon eggs

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      It’s been a while since Neopets was brought up here. I’m pegasi1978 there as well. I started playing October 22, 2002. Wow you guys’ accounts is impressive. I used to play a lot more than I do now. Now I manly get on for the plots, but when they hit the battledome I’m typically out after the first round of challengers.


        the dragon collector wrote:

        DantheDragon wrote:

        the dragon collector wrote:

        My little orange guy is taking his time growing up! 😆

        Maybe he is a Toys “R” Us hatchling 😆

        😛 😛 He just wants to be a kid his whole life! Nothing wrong with that! I just don’t want him to die because time ran out!
        He now has his wing sticking out so he is getting bigger


        His wing has been sticking out most of the day I think. With any luck he’ll be an adult by tomorrow. I still have 3 other eggs that need help hatching.

        help us out!!

        My most wanted list: Peacock kitty wizard, carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


          DantheDragon wrote:

          Oh wow! You have an impressive account! ^_^ I didn’t realise there were any serious Neopets players on this forum. Nice to meet you. I’m Dragona5 there.

          Oh! I’ve seen your stamp guide! lol-nice to meet you! *whistles* Your gallery is really impressive-if you find any petpets missing, don’t look at me! 😉 I love your skeith, plushie skeiths are adorable 🙂


            pegasi1978 wrote:

            It’s been a while since Neopets was brought up here. I’m pegasi1978 there as well. I started playing October 22, 2002. Wow you guys’ accounts is impressive. I used to play a lot more than I do now. Now I manly get on for the plots, but when they hit the battledome I’m typically out after the first round of challengers.

            Thanks! I was in the BD with the new challengers today-I know what you mean though, training a BD pet takes a lot of time and nps, I didn’t get as many wins as I’d hoped. My Yobles thinks your Lupe is pretty cool 😉


              Eleu wrote:

              Thanks! I was in the BD with the new challengers today-I know what you mean though, training a BD pet takes a lot of time and nps, I didn’t get as many wins as I’d hoped. My Yobles thinks your Lupe is pretty cool 😉

              Thanks! His paint job is thanks to an alien aisha token. A week after I cashed it in the came out with the alien aisha avatar. I was so pissed when that happened. My uni had been brown, but she got zapped by Boochi. I didn’t even see it happen. I miss her being brown, but paint brushes are so expensive!


                Dragon Master wrote:

                the dragon collector wrote:

                What’s wrong with naming him peaches!? I think it’s cute. I could have named him fluffy ya know! 😛

                eggs that run outta time will die and so will hatchlings.
                But do they just dispappear off the screen? Do we get little smashed hollow eggs? Do we get little dragon skeletons?
                If you don’t know what os wrong with naming a boy dragon PEACHES he will be coming home from dragon School Beaten up every day

                Okay, I have to say this…White Dragons are male and yours is named Empress….so, yours might get beaten up too…hehehehe (just joking) My white is named Etheria, because I didn’t realize whites are males.

                When an egg dies you get a half a shell, you can see a dead one on my page. When a hatcher dies you get a little gravestone that says RIP.

                I think they are removed after two weeks. You can also freeze a hatchling under actions if you don’t think he is going to make it and then he stays a permanent hatchling and doesn’t need any more clicks.

                Click my page to see the dead egg and click my eggs and hatchers—–> http://dragcave.ath.cx/user/34545


                  Oh! That’s just awful. I had something similar happen, I finished NQ1 and 2 weeks later they released the avvie for it. I was not happy about that at all. I’ve played NQ2 5 times, but NQ1 isn’t worth it for the prizes you get 😛 I’m sorry your uni got boochied, I like brown ones to. I painted one of my spare unis brown, but now she’s a cybunny due to labbing 😛 I have er….18 pets O_o Wow, since when is a brown PB over 300k?! That’s not right 🙁


                    My White Empress MALE Dragon will be TOUGH!! He will be abel to take on ANYTHING!!

                    Hey I’m male and an Empress and I’m still here!!
                    The description says
                    Aww…It’s a cute baby dragon. It has bright blue eyes, and keeps injuring itself, but you can’t find the bruises.

                    Now I’m worried it now says my hatchling appears sick. Has anyone gotten them well??


                      Dragon Master wrote:

                      My White Empress MALE Dragon will be TOUGH!! He will be abel to take on ANYTHING!!

                      Hey I’m male and an Empress and I’m still here!!
                      The description says
                      Aww…It’s a cute baby dragon. It has bright blue eyes, and keeps injuring itself, but you can’t find the bruises.

                      Now I’m worried it now says my hatchling appears sick. Has anyone gotten them well??

                      Remove your link here and join up on the gaia website and post him in this thread…or another forum that you can get unique hits….


                      Maebnus, DantheDragon, Jasmine and myself are all on gaia…I have the same username…find me and I will help you..we have a friends group going 🙂

                      You can buy stuff for your character and dress him 🙂


                        That site is blocked from here at work
                        I might just copy the address at home and take it off the computer completely for a day or so


                          DM, I know you’d like a gold egg, so if you ever see one that says “This egg is very reflective, almost metallic looking”, get it! I think gold and silver are less common though, but I have seen both.

                          Click mah black egg!


                            Dragon Master wrote:

                            That site is blocked from here at work
                            I might just copy the address at home and take it off the computer completely for a day or so

                            Then take your dragon link out of your sig right now and I will post it on gaia for you….the people here who have already clicked him must stop clicking him or he will die…


                              I will print out the link and save it to check him out later
                              I thought I removed it from my signature but it has not disappeared???


                                Maebnus3 wrote:

                                DM, I know you’d like a gold egg, so if you ever see one that says “This egg is very reflective, almost metallic looking”, get it! I think gold and silver are less common though, but I have seen both.

                                Click mah black egg!
                                I will try but now it tells me I have too many and will not allow me to pick up anymore. Do I need adult or removed dead eggs/hatchlings to get more??

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