Show your Windstone PYO Collection

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      Lovely collections, everyone!


      I just have two, both painted by myself~

      (needs antiquing on the wings)


      Ooooh calico wolf!!! It loooks like my Pretty Gurl!!! I sorta adopted her when my mom found her…She’s allergic to kitties and so I got my 5th cat! But she is soooo good mannered!! 😀
      I think that wolf is very pretty! Ki-rin is too!


        Both very lovely!


        The wolf was painted to look like my cat Panda who died a few years ago from FIP. She was only a year old.


          So here is my PYO collection…:D



            Psst mmloda! This is the show your PYO collection not your entire collection thread.


              pegasi1978 wrote:

              Psst mmloda! This is the show your PYO collection not your entire collection thread.

              OOPS…I`ll change that right now… 😳



              Wow, Medley – all that wall space! Can I have some? 😆
              Lovely collections.


                purpledragonclaw wrote:

                I am not a PYO collector, but I LOVE to look at everyone’s collections! 8) Wow, Dragonmedley, that is an AMAZING collection! Where do you find the space????

                It’s like time: I make it! 😆

                Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                Would you like to hop across the pond and show me how, Medley? Cause I need a lot more, pretty bad. 😆


                dragonmedley wrote:

                I thought I’d revive this thread, particularly since my PYO collection has grown nicely since I first posted (I only had 2 PYOs by other people).

                They are now displayed throughout the house, since I’m running out of space in my “office” 😀

                In my “office”:
                2 dragons by me

                A wolf by grayfire artz

                A dragon by Kujacker

                A unicorn by grayfire artz

                Okapis, by me

                My swaps 😀

                The big kirin brother

                In the living room:
                Keeper by Purplecat

                Pewter unicorn by frozendragon

                The very latest addition: Tribal 2 by Serenity

                And the last one, in my bedroom, by drag0nfeathers.

                I want that pewter one 😯 😀


                emerald212 wrote:

                Here are my PYO’s finally. I was waiting to finish the Verdigris Dragon (see PYO post).

                Wolves, left to right: Autumn Wolf by Watergazer, Cinnamon Wolf by asinnamon, Blue Jay Wolf by Cheryl Kaufman

                Kirins, left to right: Pink Kirin that I painted myself, and Blue Kirin by Watergazer

                Sorry about the junk in the background. I just realized that it makes them hard to see.

                Black Rain Griffin by PurpleCat

                Rainbow Griffin by Ski

                Dragons, left to right: Pink Flower Dragon by PurpleCat, Filigree Dragon by PurpleCat, Verdigris Dragon I painted myself, and Mint Dragon by KoishiiKitty

                Hey I have a dark griffin with rainbow like wings exactly like that! I bought it off e-bay I wonder if Ski did that one too


                  That uni by Grayfire Ants is awesome!


                    tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

                    Hey I have a dark griffin with rainbow like wings exactly like that! I bought it off e-bay I wonder if Ski did that one too

                    Could be! I think I did three or four of them. Whenever I started one and didnt like it, I would paint him black and turn him into one of these. 😆 Everyone loved them, though.

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